How to Burp a Baby

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on April 25, 2012

As a first time parent, you are probably trying to learn as much as you can about the best ways to feed your baby. But did you know that burping is a very important aspect of feeding a baby? This is because newborn babies tend to swallow a lot of air while drinking milk. You need to burp the baby during each feed, in order to get rid of that excessive air. After removing some of the excess air from his tummy, your little one will be able to make room for more food. This will keep him full for a longer period of time.


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Babies who have not burped enough or in the proper way tend to become very cranky due to excessive gas. They may also spit up frequently during the day, especially after being fed. To avoid any such problems do ensure that you burp your baby properly every time you feed him.

In case your newborn is bottle-fed, make sure that he is burped after every ounce he drinks. If your baby is being breastfed, he needs to be burped every 5 to 6 minutes.

Burping a newborn baby is not as simple as it may seem. Many parents spend several minutes during each feed, trying to burp their tiny tots, without any success. If this happens to your little bundle of joy, he could end up consuming less food than what his body requires. As a result, you may have to feed him more frequently during the day. Even worse, one tiny air bubble could generate a lot of discomfort in your baby’s tiny belly. If your baby is not burped in the proper way, he could suffer from colic. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for you to learn the right baby burping methods as soon as possible.

How to burp a baby?

It may sound a bit strange to you, but burping a baby requires certain amount of s. Sometimes, you may notice that your baby burps only with one person, which could be you, your partner, or even someone else. This happens because that person is using the burping technique that is most suitable for your baby. There are many recommendations on how to burp a baby, some of which include:

Over the shoulder position
Most parents tend to prefer this position for burping a newborn baby. You need to:

  • Place your baby in such a way that his upper belly rests against your collarbone
  • Apply a little bit of pressure with your collarbone
  • Pat your toddler’s back gently or rub circles with the heel of your palm

The Face-down position

This is one of the more complicated baby burping methods, but is seems to work for many parents and infants. In order to burp your baby using this technique, you need to:

  • Place your infant on your lap, so that his head rests on one of your legs and his belly rests on the other.
  • Use one hand to support your baby’s head and chin
  • Apply a gentle rubbing or patting motion on the baby’s back, using the other hand

The Sitting-up position

This position is highly recommended for those babies who spit up a lot. If you decide to use this method for burping your baby, you need to:

  • Position your baby on your lap so that his side is against your body. Make sure that his body leans forward
  • Use one hand to support your baby’s chin and chest
  • Pat your baby’s back with the other.

It may take you a few days or even weeks to realize which method produces the quickest burp with your little one. While you burp your baby, you need to make sure that you hold him in the right manner. You will need to support his neck and head till he can do it himself.

Also, whenever you burp your baby, make sure that you place a burp cloth or a thick napkin under their mouth. This will save you the trouble of cleaning up a big mess and you can continue to feed your baby without any interruptions.

In case you have any questions or concerns about burping your baby, it is best for you to speak to your child’s pediatrician.

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