Gas During Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on May 15, 2012

While pregnancy can be one of the most joyful experiences of a woman’s life, it can also cause you to go through some uncomfortable, not to mention embarrassing symptoms, like excessive gas. On average, our bodies produce anywhere between 1 & 4 pints of gas every day and we all pass gas around 10 to 20 times daily, without even being aware of it. However, you may find yourself suffering from excessive gas during pregnancy, due to which you may end up farting or belching more often.

In some instances, the increased production of gas during pregnancy can be more than just a source of severe embarrassment; if you do experience pain, cramps or discomfort in the abdominal area, it could be because of excess gas.

Fortunately, in spite of how embarrassing and uncomfortable gas during pregnancy can be, it is not a serious problem.

What are the Effects of Excess Gas on the Baby During Pregnancy?

Rest assured that the only one bearing the brunt of excess gas during pregnancy is you. Your little one is quite comfortable and snug in his quarters and is probably unaware of your inner turmoil, no matter how much your tummy rumbles.

However, if you experience severe pain or cramps in the abdomen during any point of your pregnancy, do mention it to your doctor during your next visit.

What are the Symptoms of Gas During Pregnancy?

Excess gas is not a medical condition, but symptom of an underlying condition, which could also include pregnancy. You know you are suffering from excess gas when you find yourself burping very often, or when you have the increased urge to let one rip. However, during pregnancy, the passing of gas can also be accompanied by tightness or swelling in the abdominal area. This may cause you to feel full without having consumed anything. You may also experience short and jabbing pains or cramps in the abdomen as a result of increased gas during pregnancy.

What are the Causes of Gas When Pregnant?

There are many things that could lead to the formation of gas - swallowing air while talking, chewing, or drinking. Sometimes, the food you eat can also make your body produce a higher amount of gas.

However, during pregnancy, the growth of your baby and the surge of pregnancy hormones are primarily responsible for excessive gas. Right from the early stages of pregnancy, the levels of progesterone and relaxin in your body increase. These hormones relax all the muscle tissues throughout your body. Your digestive tract is also affected by this, which in turn slows down the rate at which your food is processed. Moreover, as your baby grows within the womb, his increasing weight presses down on to your digestive tract further slowing down digestion. Since the food remains in the intestines for a longer period of time, the amount of gas produced increases. In case you are suffering from constipation during pregnancy, the problem of excessive gas could further worsen.

How to Treat Gas During Pregnancy?

Most doctors advise people against the use of medication to eliminate excess gas and this especially applies to pregnant women. Fortunately, this does not mean that you have to live with this embarrassing affliction till the end of your pregnancy. There are several simple steps for relief from gas during pregnancy.

  • Change your eating plans, so that you eat small meals at frequent intervals throughout the day. Avoid meals that are too large or heavy, as your body will take longer to process them.
  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly and avoid talking during mealtimes to limit the amount of air you swallow.
  • Drink fluids during the day, but avoid them during mealtimes. Stay away from carbonated beverages or drinks that contain artificial sweeteners completely.
  • Sit up straight when you are eating and avoid lying down for at least an hour or two, even if you’ve only had a light snack.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are tight or snug around the waist. It is best to choose clothes that are loose-fitting and comfortable.
  • Make sure that you exercise each day, as it improves the functioning of your digestive tract. Walking is one of the best exercises recommended for pregnant women. However, check with your doctor, before following any workout routine.
  • Restrict your intake of foods certain food items, like fried food, junk, cabbage and beans, as they that aggravate flatulence. However, make sure that you get your required nutrient-intake through a balanced and nutritious diet.

Gas will not have an adverse effect on your baby, but if the discomfort gets unbearable, speak to your doctor about it. Seek emergency medical attention in case you experience bloody stools, severe diarrhea, constipation, cramping or abdominal pain.

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