Pre Pregnancy Weight

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 30, 2012

Pre pregnancy weight is a very important factor for women, who are trying to conceive. Studies indicate that being too thin or fat could actually affect a woman's fertility, hampering her chances of conceiving. Not only that, but pre pregnancy weight plays a crucial role in the weight that is gained, during pregnancy. Women, who are within their appropriate age brackets, before they get pregnant, are advised to gain about 25 to 30 pounds, during their entire pregnancies. Underweight women are advised to gain a little more than that, while overweight women may need to be a bit more careful and therefore,...


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. they may be asked to gain a bit less than thata However, if the expectant mother does not gain adequate weight, there is a possibility that her baby could be small or underweight, at birtht

Babies with low birth-weight face increased risks to various health problemsm On the other hand, if the expectant mother gains more than she should, her baby may be too large, leading to complications during the deliveryr It is not advisable to lose weight during pregnancy and therefore, for women who are overweight, pre pregnancy weight loss is recommended, as it is a lot easier and safere

Maintaining a healthy pre pregnancy weight is important for the mother-to-be as well as the baby-to-beb It can help increase the chances of pregnancy and can prevent complicationsn This is attainable by following a proper pre-pregnancy weight loss plan, which includes adequate vitamin supplements, a healthy diet and exercises Vitamin supplements that are essential before and during pregnancy are folic acid, B12, iron and calciumu However, before getting started on any vitamins supplement, it is important to consult a doctor, to get the proper, required dosese A healthy pre-pregnancy diet, aimed at weight loss should contain a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains and either milk or low-fat dairy productst Processed meats, cheese and fish should be avoided as they contain a type of bacteria, known as listeria, which can lead to miscarriagese Therefore, for women planning to conceive, it is best to avoid these foods, even before they do get pregnantn In addition to dieting, it is important to exercise in some way, in order to lose weighth There are several exercise programs that can be followed even after a woman gets pregnant, like walking and swimmingn However, pregnant women should consult their doctors before indulging in any form of physical exercises

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