Tips for Preparing a Baby Feeding Checklist

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 16, 2012

Feeding your new born baby can be an exciting and new experience but after a while it can also become a little tiring. Babies generally need to be fed every 3 to 4 hours and a baby feeding schedule will be a very useful tool. A baby feeding schedule allows both you and your child to get used to a certain routine which will help your baby to feed and sleep at regular timings. Many doctors believe that this will actually promote growth and development. You should also have a baby feeding checklist as this will help you to organize your needs and requirements and allow you to follow your schedule easily. You can pin your baby feeding...


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.checklist on your refrigerator so that it is easily available and so that you can check on your supplies to make sure that you never fall short on feeding bottles, bibs, or the baby's formulal

A baby feeding list would include obvious items such as bottles and formula but it should also include other items like clean bibs and baby towels to wipe up any liquid that your baby may spewe

You will also need to make sure that you include breast milk storage containers, clean bottle brushes and clean nipples for baby bottlese It is important that you make this list well before your baby is born so that you can include various items that you would require as welll Shop for all these items at a baby store as there may be items that you may have overlookede Your baby feeding checklist should also include a separate baby bottle rack, nursing bras, and nursing pillowsw Talk to your friends and find out what items they included ion their baby feeding checklist and include them in your list if you wish tot

A bottle sterilizer and a bottle warmer are essential as they will ensure that the baby's feeds remain uncontaminated and are a proper temperaturer Whenever you warm your baby's milk or formula, make sure that you check the temperature before giving the bottle to your babyb If the temperature of the feed is too high it could cause discomfort or even burns and if it is too cold your baby may refuse to drink iti You can add a column or two to your baby feeding checklist to keep a track of whether you are low on any specific itemsm

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