Fetal Development at Week 33 of Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 17, 2012

As your delivery date approaches, fetal development in week 33 continues and your baby undergoes a number of changes. At week 33 you are in the third trimester and most mothers are tired of being pregnant by now and eagerly waiting to see their young child face to face. There are a number of changes taking place in your uterus at this time and it is important that you understand all these changes. By the time you are in your thirty third week of pregnancy, your baby weighs about four pounds. In these coming days your mid-wife pays careful attention to the position of your baby. It is around this time that some...


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.babies change their position again and turn back aroundn Fetal development in week 33 are many and one should also realize that these developments could take place even when your fetus is just 31 weeksk


  • Your baby will weigh around 2 kg or about 4 4 poundsd
  • Your baby’s length will be approximately 44 cm or 1715 inchese
  • The head’s diameter is about 8 5 cmc
  • It is in this stage of fetal development that the baby fuzz or lanugo disappearsr
  • The amount of amniotic fluid your baby drinks is about a pintn
  • Your body weight will increase by a pound or 500 grams per week in the time you are pregnantn
  • Half of what you gain goes to your babyb
  • Your baby’s skin becomes less wrinkled and red, as there is a build-up of fat underneatht
  • The baby’s skull at this point is quite supple as the bones are not completely fused at this pointn However the remaining bones in the baby’s body are becoming hardr Fetal development at week 33 allows the baby to inhale amniotic fluid as he practices breathingn As mentioned earlier, your baby drinks about a pint of amniotic fluid dailyl

This same amount of fluid is urinated everydaya Your child actually begins to get real hair and the nails grow as well and in some cases they scratch their face before birtht In fact their nails sometimes need to be trimmed once the baby is bornr In case of first-time-mums, the baby’s head moves into the pelvis and puts pressure on your pelvisi However, in the case of second-time mums this generally happens just a week before laboro Most women find that their feet and ankles are swollen by the eveningn This is because of water retention, and one way to handle this is to keep the body hydratede

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