Type 1 Diabetes During Pregnancy

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

Those women who are already diabetic and tend to suffer from type 1 diabetes during pregnancy can also have a successful pregnancy. However women with gestational diabetes during pregnancy tend to require an extra effort and commitment to be put in towards their pregnancy along with excellent blood sugar control. Women who are diabetic during pregnancy should keep themselves well informed about all the areas of diabetes management and should also make arrangements for financial resources for the additional medical tests and hospitalization that may be required form time to time during pregnancy.


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The key to controlling and managing gestational diabetes during pregnancy is to control the blood sugar levels. In the early stages of pregnancy the insulin levels may go down which is on account of the rapid development of the fetus that tends to deplete the glucose levels from the body at a very high rate. Additionally pregnant women may also suffer from morning sickness which may reduce the need for insulin to be reduced.

During the later stages of pregnancy, as it progresses, the need of the body for insulin will increase and some women who are already diabetic and have type 1 diabetes during pregnancy may have to increase their dosage of insulin on prior approval of their doctor.

Pregnant women who suffer from gestational diabetes are also required to monitor their pregnancy diet regularly and also include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. The doctor or the dietician may prepare a customized diet plan depending on the age, body weight and stage of pregnancy of the woman. Pregnant women suffering form type 1 diabetes should also snack often in addition to their three balanced meals so as to avoid any extreme blood sugar levels and also to ensure that the baby receives a continuous a constant and regular supply of nutrients.

Women who are diabetic during pregnancy are also at a higher risk of miscarriages or giving birth to unusually large babies on account of the high maternal blood sugar levels. In such cases since delivery of large babies is difficult, cesarean deliveries are commonly done for such women. Many women who also suffer from gestational diabetes during pregnancy may also experience swellign of their hands and feet on account of the presence of protein in their urine. Swelling or edema during pregnancy in women with gestational diabetes can also be controlled by limiting the intake of salt.

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