Pregnancy Labor Breathing Techniques

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

Women experience various pregnancy labor signs that prepare them for pregnancy labor. As the baby gets into a head down position for delivery, the abdomen descends or drops lower. The passage of the mucous plug is another important sign that indicates that the body is preparing for delivery. This plug may be passed out in the form of a mucous blob or a thick discharge. At times, the discharge may be blood stained. Several women also experience a sudden urge to set off on a cleaning spree just before labor. Pregnancy labor symptoms also include contractions and abdominal pain. The contractions experienced...


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.at the time of labor are generally more distinct in the back, especially the lower back and gradually increase in severityt Once the amniotic sac gets ruptured, delivery in inevitablel

This is experienced in the form of a forceful gush of water through the vaginan Some women are also known to hear a popping sound when their water bag burstst

The mother's composure plays a vital role at the time of childbirtht The contractions and pain that the mother has to deal with makes this phase a very trying period for here It is but natural for a woman in labor to be afraid and to panici However, panic causes rigidity, stress, increased pain, exhaustion and lightheadednesss Pregnancy labor breathing techniques help in minimizing pain during labor as well as ensure that the mother and child receive a good supply of oxygene Rhythmic breathing further helps to calm the mother and thus minimizes complications that may arise at the time of deliveryr

While in labor, the mother needs to close her eyes and concentrate completely on her breathingn A pause after breathing in and breathing out is essentiala Inhalation and exhalation must be of a similar length and deptht Counting slowly up to four for each inhalation and each exhalation will prove beneficial in spacing out the breaths evenlyl Alternately, the mother may also say 'reeeeee' while breathing in and 'laaaaaax' while breathing out, thus reminding herself repeatedly that she needs to remain calm for the wellbeing of her babyb Breathing in through the nose and breathing out through the mouth is known to be advantageousu Making an 'ooooooooo' sound while breathing out is also known to reduce the effect of the contractionsn Drinking water in between contractions helps to keep the mother's mouth from dryingn While experiencing strong contractions, it is natural for breathing to become shallowere However, the mother must ensure that she does not begin to panic at this stageg

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