Pregnancy And Baby Care Articles Baby Growth
Baby Vaccination Schedule & Lists
Submitted by Nick on August 27, 2010
Vaccinations are also referred to as immunizations. These are effective in protecting babies against certain serious illnesses and diseases. Some of these ailments include measles, pumps, polio virus, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and streptococcus pneumonia. There is a certain baby vaccination schedule which may vary depending on the region where you live, type of vaccine, available vaccines and the child�s health. It is important to check with your doctor to ensure that your baby is receiving vaccinations on time. The doctor may also give you a record card which contains the dates of your baby�s immunizations.
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This card must be brought along for every visit. Vaccinations for babies are important for several reasons. Through a vaccine, antigenic material is introduced into the baby’s body.
This protects the child from serious and infectious diseases. The child also receives lifelong protection against these diseases through vaccinations. Therefore even if the disease invades the child’s body later on in life, the vaccination will still be able to offer protection. A baby vaccination schedule usually recommends a hepatitis B shot at birth, another hepatitis B shot at 1 to 2 months, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine, polio vaccine and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) at 2 months, polio vaccine, PCV, DTaP and Hib at 4 months, polio, hepatitis B, DTaP and Hib at 6 months, chicken pox, PCV, MMR and Hib at 12 months and DTaP at 15 months. Detailed information regarding the nature of these vaccines and the age at which they should be administered can be obtained from your health care provider.
There are certain mild reactions that may occur after a vaccination. The child may also experience sleeping problems. It is advisable to alleviate the child’s discomfort by ensuring that he gets adequate rest. You can also inquire from your doctor about remedies that are helpful in alleviating the side effects of vaccinations. In case the child gets a fever, certain antibiotic medication may be necessary. This will help to bring down the fever and also reduce pain at the site of the injection. It is important to remember that aspirin must never be given to children as it can pose the risk of Reye’s syndrome. For swelling or redness at the injection site, cool compresses may be applied. In case of measles or chicken pox vaccines, a mild rash may develop. This is likely to subside on its own after a few days.
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