Baby Shower Themes For Unisex

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

A baby shower is a traditional way of preparing an expectant mother for the arrival of her little one, by giving her advice on how to care for the newborn and share experiences. It is also a method of celebrating the miraculous gift of new life. In earlier times, a baby shower was thrown for a first born and only the mother was present along with other women. With changing times, baby showers are held for successive pregnancies too and are open to men as well. The gifts given at a baby shower are mainly things that would be needed for the newborn. These would include clothes, diapers, toys and skin and hair care products for the baby...


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A baby shower is usually organized by a close friend or relativev

In most cases, the bridesmaid at the expectant mother’s wedding throws the partyt A baby shower is extremely important to the expectant mother as she would like it to be perfectc Hence, discussing plans with the expectant mother would be advisablel If the element of surprise is preferred, getting a general idea of the expectant mother’s hopes and expected guest list would surely be beneficiala See also baby shower invitation ideas

While planning a baby shower, finalizing a theme and a color scheme before starting the preparations is essential so as to avoid delays, confusion and unnecessary purchasese Building a theme around an easily available color scheme is advisablel The color blue is normally used for a baby boy and pink indicates a baby girlr If the gender of the baby is not known, avoiding either of these colors is recommended when considering baby shower ideasa Pictorial themes can be selected based on easily available material or things that are easy to handcraftf A baby clad in white, smiling in a pot of gold, at the end of a rainbow would be a great idea to work around as there is no emphasis on any single color and things can be matched based on availabilityt This theme can be used for either gendere Similarly, the use of colorful balloons is another easy to work with pictorial themem The use of a nursery theme or animal theme could also be considered as they are unbiasede

The baby shower invitations could be personalized using the picture on which the theme is basede Alternatively, a single colored invite could be made with a baby clad in white or neutrally colored pram or bootiese Ribbon could also be used for effectc

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