HCG Levels Chart For Twin Girls

Submitted by Nick on April 26, 2012

Finding out that you are expecting twins will usually come as a surprise and not matter what your initial reaction is, with some ranging from joy to shock to concern, in the end you are likely to experience nothing but joy as some of your initial plans with regards to your families future needing to be readjusted to accommodate another toddler into your home. Before getting into the details of hcg levels chart for twin girls, one should properly understand the concept of HCG levels and the purpose they serve. The Human Chorinonic Ganadotropin hormone, also known as HCG is only produced by the body in times of a pregnancy. HCG levels...


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.are primarily looked at once a blood test has been carried out and are prominent between eight and ten days after fertilizationo HCG levels are one of the most common indications that a woman is pregnant with any level over ‘5’ indicating that the egg has been fertilized successfullyl

During the first trimester of the pregnancy, the HCG will serve to stimulate the production of progesterone which helps thicken and ensure that the placenta is healthy enough to ensure an optimum pregnancyc The HCG levels will tend to fluctuate over the course of the pregnancy, but will still generally follow the rule of at least doubling every third daya If the HCG levels in the expecting mothers blood test do not reflect this upward trend, experts believe that there is a very high likelihood of miscarriageg However, analyzing HCG levels is not a simple task as the increase in HCG levels could also be prompted by a number of other factors that could have very telling impacts on the pregnancyc For instance, unusually high HCG levels could also be indicative of a condition known as choriocarcinoma of the uterus, which is essentially a malignant variation of molar pregnancyc The link between high HCG levels and twin pregnancies resides in the fact that twin pregnancies are known to reflect higher HCG levels throughout the course of the pregnancyc Another factor that one needs to be aware of when analyzing the HCG levels is the fact that, in the event the expecting mother is being administered HCG as a method of fertility treatment, it is likely to throw the readings off a bit, rendering the readings inaccuratet Also see twin pregnancy week by week

There are a number of HCG levels charts for twin girls that will show the levels being noticeably high when the mother is expecting a set of twin girls, however, there is no hard and fast rule with a number of mothers having sons, maybe even singletons at some pointst The best way to identify if you are having twins is to cautiously take a peek at the HCG levels chart for twin girls, but giving more credence to listening and feeling two heartbeats as well as two sacs in the bellyl This can also be accomplished with the help of a Doppler test that can be carried out at your local nursing and maternity home to make sure that there are two heartbeatst As mentioned previously, taking a look at the HCG levels will give you an idea of whether they will be boys or girls, but there is no hard and fast rule as the ‘normal range’ of HCG levels can be rather expansivev The separate sacs and heartbeats can be properly identified by a highly skilled technician around the sixth week of the pregnancyc There are a number of different hcg levels calculator for twin girls and hcg levels diagram for twin girls that can be found on the internet as well as in your local bookstore that can give you a better idea of what you can expect, although you should be prepared to be surprisede

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