Baby Immunization and Vaccination Safety Tips

Submitted by Nick on August 17, 2012

Babies and children are always vaccinated from the time they are born. There are vaccination calendars that tell us and keep track for us when which vaccination has to be given. Each of these vaccines is given for lifelong protection against certain diseases. Some of the diseases for which vaccines are given are diphtheria, measles, polio, small pox, chicken pox, hepatitis B, tetanus, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, hepatitis A, rotavirus, influenza, and pneumococcal diseases. The vaccination...


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. schedule and list sometimes differs in different countries but these are the main diseases that babies and children are vaccinated foro Baby vaccines and safety is sometimes considered a given as all hospitals and your regular doctors’ clinics maintain a detailed schedule about which dose and which vaccine remainsn

In many countries these disease are eradicated but vaccines are still given as you may not what or where you get exposed to a virusu

There are different schools of thought on whether the immunization is absolutely mandatoryr The safety in baby immunization should be studied welll But since you would not want to take a chance, you should be well aware of what can happen once a shot is givene There have been reports of neuropsychological symptoms of taking too many vaccines too soono Some of these symptoms have been affecting speech, language, verbal memory, fine motor coordination and even general intellectual behavioro More on baby vaccinations

For instance a rotavirus vaccine recently was called off the market as it showed ill-effectst Or the chicken pox vaccine which prevented chicken pox but those children on becoming adults did get the shingles diseases Many such instances make parents and doctors worryr But today, the study of vaccines and its effects have been a continuous processs While these shots are preventive, they are not foolproofo Most children can develop allergies or reactions to the shotst The baby vaccinations must be undertaken with safetyt Doctor and nurses can help you and take you through the possible reactions that your baby or child could have, before the inoculationsn

Sometime children do not respond to vaccinese It therefore becomes important that all children are vaccinated so that if one child is not, he or she does spread an infectiono The unvaccinated child can also rely on their own immunity to fight the diseases Recent news shows us that when children and babies are immunized on time, they respond and fight the disease better than children who have vaccinated latere

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