Implantation Symptoms after Blastocyst Transfer

Submitted by Nick on January 19, 2012

Blastocyst transfer is a medical procedure that is performed for parents who are having trouble carrying the baby to a full-term. The embryo is grown outside the womb and is then transferred to the mother. In a lot of cases, the embryo may not take to the mother’s womb. However, there have been cases in which the embryo transfers have been successful, implantation has occurred, and the baby is carried full term.


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The time period that falls immediately after the transfer of an embryo is often suspenseful for many couples. The long wait for the implantation symptoms after blastocyst transfer can be excruciating for some. Usually, it may take about eleven to sixteen days after the transfer has been made, for the first symptoms to appear.

More often than not, the implantation signs after blastocyst transfer may begin to occur a few days after the transfer has been made. A woman may experience implantation bleeding after a blastocyst transfer in about six to eleven days. Blastocyst transfers are usually successful, and in 54% of the cases, these result in live births. However, the expecting couple can experience many issues after they have had the procedure performed.

Initial symptoms

Minor vaginal bleeding is one of the first implantation symptoms after the transfer is made. There is usually no implantation treatment after a blastocyst transfer. However, if your bleeding is more than normal, you may need to discuss it with the doctor. During this period, to ensure that the embryo takes to the mother's womb, it is important to limit alcohol and caffeine consumption. Also avoid any stressful activities or anything else that causes you discomfort and try to abstain from intercourse for a while. A lot of women may be prescribed treatment with progesterone to keep the lining of the uterus intact.

You can take the pregnancy test about two weeks from when the first transfer is made. The pregnancy test can help tell you whether or not you are pregnant. If the test is negative, you can go in for another round of treatment. If you have an implantation infection after a blastocyst transfer, your doctor will give you recommended medications. It is important to have detailed discussions with your doctor about implantation and what to expect after a blastocyst transfer. In order for you to avoid an infection, it is vital that you know all the things related to the procedure and all the precautions that you should take.

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