34 Week Pregnancy Scan

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

A pregnancy is usually of 38 to 42 weeks. At the 34th week, you are quite close to term and your body is getting ready for the baby’s birth. If your baby is born after week 34, it will definitely survive as most of its systems are already formed. The baby is growing out in full. It is reaching its optimum weight of almost 5 pounds and is about 18 centimeters long. Your baby’s fat layer is filling out the baby’s body in order to enable it to survive outside the womb. The central nervous system and the lungs are maturing. Babies in 34 weeks pregnant women, grow the maximum in the last few weeks of the trimester.


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In the 34 week pregnancy scan, the doctor or the health care provider will tell you what you tentative due date will be. The 34 week pregnancy ultrasound will also tell you the size of the baby but as the baby continues to grow it may not be the final baby size. By this week and scan, your doctor will be able to tell you whether the birth canal will be able to accommodate the baby.

The doctor will also try to estimate the due date at this scan.

For some women, the baby will start to ‘drop’ in the 34th week. Dropping implies the baby positioning itself over the cervix, getting ready for the birth. A lot of women have differently shaped uteruses by this time. Each woman carries the baby differently and in spite of many old wives’ tales, the shape of the uterus does not indicate the sex of the baby.As the baby comes into position, you will also notice that it becomes easier for you to breathe. As the baby moves down, the area below your ribs gets free, making it easier for you to breathe. You might also feel as though the baby might drop out of the vagina. It is common to feel that.

You will also experience fatigue that sets in as the end of your pregnancy draws to a close. Sleeping becomes a chore as you cannot find a position that makes you comfortable. There are even 3D scans that can be done at this stage where you can get a complete picture of your baby. In the 34th week of pregnancy, you can get a 3D scan. It will give you multiple prints in color and help you form an image of your baby in your mind.

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