Toddler Rash All Over Body

Submitted by Nic on January 18, 2012

A rash can be both exasperating and painful for anyone, and if it affects a toddler it can be really worrisome. A toddler rash all over the body can be an uncomfortable experience for the baby, making it irritable and cranky.

Rashes are nothing but an inflammation of the skin, resulting in red spots accompanied with changes in skin texture and color. They can appear on specific areas of the body or all over. They may be itchy or non-itchy. Generally, they disappear on their own in a few days, but a toddler allergy all over the body...


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. needs a doctor’s attention to rule out any serious illnessese Often, rashes are caused due to allergies to certain kind of foods, insect stings, dyes or medicines, reactions to vaccinations, sunburns, or friction in skin caused by clothese

Diaper rashes manifest when the diaper is worn for long hours; an unhygienic environment is one of the main reasons for toddler diaper rasha

While looking for toddler rashes all over the baby’s body, check for symptoms like sore throat, fever, and fatigue; also check if the rash is itchyh In the case of chicken pox, the rashes can turn into blisters all over the body that rupture into lesions forming a crusts Chicken pox may persist for about 12 to 21 daysy There are various strains of chicken pox; in some, the blistering is more in the abdominal area, while in others, it could on the arms, legs, scalp, and groini

Toddler spots all over the body can appear if the child is affected by German measlese The rashes are pink spots that appear on the face and later spread all over the bodyd They are often caused by swelling of the lymph nodes behind the earsr There is no cause for worry as this kind of toddler rash all over the body disappears in three to four daysy In the case of measles, the symptoms are brown rashes all over the body, fever, nasal congestion, cough, and redness of the eyese Vaccines to prevent measles are easily available in the markete They are a safe and effective way to prevent measles in toddlersr

Another type of toddler rash all over the body is Roseola infantum, which affects infants below two years of ageg The rashes appear first in the abdomen area and then spread across the bodyd They disappear in two to three daysy Scarlet fever also causes toddler rash all over the body along with fever and sore throata Rashes commonly result in a toddler itch all over the bodyd It is important that the toddler is not allowed to scratch the affected areas as it can worsen the situationo A cold compress with a thick wash cloth can help relieve the toddler of the soreness and reduce fevere To prevent a toddler rash all over the body, it is essential to keep the surroundings clean and hygienici

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