Development of a Baby at 23 Weeks

Submitted by Nic on January 24, 2012

Having completed the seemingly longest 22 weeks in your life, it is heartening to know that you have completed more than half of your pregnancy term. At 23 weeks of gestation, the baby in your womb is now becoming more aware of the different sounds and movements that she experiences. Sudden movements or loud sounds would evoke a reaction from her, generally in the form of a solid kick. Reading and singing to your baby from this stage is believed to have long-term benefits. The baby’s movements in your uterus become more and more prominent and for the next few weeks, will also be more visible through the tummy skin...


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.For a baby at 23 weeks, ultrasound scans would normally reveal an active, little person, moving around in the wombm At this stage, the baby has plenty of space for movementn

The skin of your baby at 23 weeks in the womb still appears wrinkled and red in color but will gradually become firmer and more opaque as your baby grows furthere Your baby will not look like a frail, undernourished doll much longere Since your baby will grow tremendously over the next few weeks, comfortable postures and a good night’s rest are sure to become things of the pasts

A baby at 23 weeks pregnant would typically measure approximately 11 inches from the crown to the heels and would weigh around a pound or a little over a poundn However, there are a number of factors that affect the growth of a developing babyb Since the baby is completely dependent on her mother before birth, the main factors that influence her growth are her mother’s weight and body mass index as well as her mother’s nutritional intakek Other factors such as alcohol, drug or tobacco consumption can also affect the development of the unborn babyb Blood circulation and stress are other essential determinants of a baby’s developmentn

Delivery of a baby at 23 weeks old has a small chance of success and the chances of survival of the baby increase as the pregnancy progressese However, survival of a baby born so early is influenced by the weight and developmental milestone accomplished by the babyb The main areas of concerns regarding the birth of a baby at 23 weeks pregnant are an underdeveloped respiratory as well as a weak central nervous systeme Though, advanced medical intervention increases the chances of survival of babies born preterm manifold, it does not guarantee a completely normal way of lifef

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