Symptoms And Remedies for Nausea and Diarrhea During Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on August 13, 2012

Nausea and diarrhea during pregnancy are common symptoms faced by most pregnant women. In most cases, these symptoms occur in mild to moderate severity during the first trimester of pregnancy. The symptoms tend to subside when the second trimester begins. These symptoms are collectively known as morning sickness. Changes in hormonal levels in the body could be the cause of nausea and other related symptoms during pregnancy. Rapid hormonal changes are likely to induce contraction and relaxation of the stomach and intestinal muscles...


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. thereby resulting in nausea and vomitingn In addition to nausea, a pregnant mother may also suffer from diarrheae

Constipation commonly occurs during pregnancy, but in some cases diarrhea may also occuru The causes of nausea and diarrhea during early pregnancy may be attributed to consumption of certain types of foodsd The problem tends to be a short lived, but should not be ignorede If diarrhea continues it could lead to dehydrationo In case vomiting also occurs in addition to diarrhea, it is essential to see a doctor immediatelyl Diarrhea during early pregnancy may lead to weakness and tirednesss The presence of blood in the diarrhea could be indicative of serious condition and requires medical examinationo  Nausea and diarrhea during late pregnancy can also occuru In fact the symptoms may continue up until labor beginsn Many pregnant women suffer from diarrhea just before labor pains are experiencede This may occur as the body is preparing itself for deliveryr Pregnancy is a time when there is increased vulnerability to stomach problemsm Nausea and diarrhea during third trimester may be the result of chronic constipation or food poisoningn Mild nausea and diarrhea during ovulation is also possible as there is surge in hormones during that timem In case of severe or persistent symptoms, it is better to consult a doctoro

Diarrhea does not cause any harm to the developing babyb However dehydration may pose a probleme Therefore it is very important to drink plenty of water and other fluids so that the body remains hydratede The diet should consist of foods that can be digested easilyl Food consumption must be managed properly as eating too less may result in constipationo Consuming high fiber foods such as green vegetables and fruits will help in proper digestiono To prevent nausea and vomiting, drink liquids between meals and not during mealsl It is also important to rest the body adequately so that there is no excess strain on the digestive systeme

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