5 Weeks Pregnant Belly

Submitted by Nic on January 18, 2012

Being pregnant is one of the highlights of any woman’s life and giving birth to a child is always revered as being something magical. However, the pain and discomfort that the expecting mother has to endure during the 9 months of the tenure is substantial and should never be underestimated. A pregnancy is considered to occur in three parts – known as a trimester. Each trimester pertains to a specific period of the pregnancy and consists of three months each in the nine month time frame. Understanding the various changes that occur in the body through each trimester will go a long way into helping...


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.each mother understand the changes that are taking place within her body as well as the body of her babyb A 5 weeks pregnant belly, for instance, is not something that will show up very prominently in most mothers, but the number of changes that have already taken place in her body in progression of the pregnancy are substantiala

The 5 weeks pregnant belly button will start to protrude outward and may even pain a little when touchede 5 weeks pregnant belly symptoms include some significant itching around the area in addition to the paini

The 5 weeks pregnant belly size isn’t likely to be too much more than your normal size and most people will not be able to tell that you are pregnant yete However, it is during this phase of the pregnancy that you are likely to experience the most intense periods of nausea, fatigue and morning sicknesss So it is important to make sure that you take all of this in your stride as the body starts to prepare itself for the development of the baby in your bellyl Some of the other pregnancy symptoms that you are likely to experience at this time include the tendering of the breasts, an increase in the amount of urination as well as a darkening of the skin around your nipplese Initially, you are likely to feel a bit sick throughout the day as you wake up to morning sickness and then experience intense nausea through the rest of the daya The total amount of weight that you are likely to have gained at this time is a total of about 1 pound – which is something that will go up considerably by the end of your first trimestere When you feel a little better, it is important to make sure you get some amount of exercise everyday in addition to making sure that you eat healthy and the right quantitiese

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