Articles :: Toddler Illness

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Toddler Sleeping Too Much
  • Toddler Sleeping Too Much Some mothers experience the toddler sleeping problems a lot especially during the day which mostly occurs if the toddler is not getting his...
  • Toddler Sleeping Tips Most parents find that getting their toddler to sleep is quite a daunting and challenging task. Toddler sleep problems can be resolved by helping...
  • Viral Pneumonia In Toddlers Pneumonia in children can be of different types, but bacterial pneumonia and viral pneumonia are the most common. Viral pneumonia in toddlers...
  • Bacterial Pneumonia In Toddlers In children pneumonia can be of different types, but the most common types are bacterial and viral. Bacterial pneumonia in toddlers refers to a...
  • Shaken Baby Syndrome Treatment A traumatic brain injury caused to a baby is called as shaken baby syndrome. Infants below a year of age are most susceptible to this type of...
  • Toddler Clavicle Fracture Toddler clavicle fracture, though not very common, can be an extremely painful and uncomfortable condition for the child. For children, most of...
  • Effects of Shaken Baby Syndrome Given that a child has not yet been able to learn how to control its actions nor does it understand that certain objects can be harmful, it is...
  • Shaken Baby Syndrome Statistics & Facts Shaken baby syndrome is when the baby is shaken around, literally, leading to a set of complications which could lead to the baby’s death....
  • Toddler Cough Remedies Cough or pertussis is the repetitive reflex that clears the breathing passages of irritants, secretions, microbes, and foreign particles. There...
  • Toddler Cough Medicine Coughing is a very natural reflex action of the body, which helps dispel the mucus and the irritants from the air passages. However, coughing can...
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