How can I get my toddler to take (oral liquid) antibiotics without vomiting?

(February 12, 2010)

Getting a toddler to keep down medication is a tough task and the truth of the matter is that while you can force the little one to take the antibiotics with the intention of making him or her feel better, there is no way to ensure that he or she would not vomit all of it. There are different measures parents often have to resort to get the little one to take different forms of medication. One has to admit that the oral liquid antibiotics had an unpleasant taste and toddlers simply do not wish to take them. One could try different measures such as cajoling and reasoning with the toddler. Caregivers can often impress upon the little one the importance of taking those oral antibiotics to make sure that he or she feels better. Before trying these following tips to get the toddler to take the oral liquid antibiotics without vomiting, it would be important to discuss these measures with the doctor and see whether they would be appropriate in the case of the antibiotics that you are planning to give the child.

If the toddler does not have any serious health problem or stomach upset, one way of giving the antibiotics would be to offer a favored chocolate or treat after it. The child is less likely to vomit with the taste of chocolate in his or her mouth. Instead of offering all the liquid antibiotics at one go, it might be best to try smaller amounts but give these frequently. The child is less likely to gag and vomit if only a spoonful goes in each time. Talk to the doctor about the possibility of administering the oral antibiotics after refrigerating. This is because toddlers and children are more likely to take something unpleasant while it is still cold since the taste is not as strong. One can even check with the doctor about mixing the antibiotics with some other liquid such as juice or a favorite drink. If the toddler still continues to vomit after you give him/her the liquid antibiotics, discuss with the doctor the necessity of giving the child the antibiotics as well as other measures of administering the same. One could offer the toddler a choice in the manner of administering these antibiotics and explain that he or she has to get better and would face a more unpleasant manner of receiving the antibiotics if he or she keeps vomiting different kinds of oral antibiotics

Submitted by P T on February 12, 2010 at 12:35

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