Diarrhea and vomiting in toddlers is a common problem, but can be very harmful. You need to give your child immediate attention to prevent any chances of dehydration. Your toddler may be suffering from vomiting and diarrhea as a result of a parasitic infection, or infection from any other virus or bacteria. Toddler diarrhea and vomiting may also be a result of food allergies or foods that are undercooked and difficult to digest.
Your toddler could be at a risk of severe dehydration on account of vomiting and diarrhea. Your toddler is probably dehydrated if he/she suffers from dark urine or infrequent urination, crying without tears, dry mouth and irritability. One of the first steps to .
Ensure that you give your child plenty of fluids to help replenish his/her bodyo If you are breastfeeding your toddler, then you can continue to do so In addition however, you should also give him/her an oral rehydration solutioni The oral rehydration solution should comprise of the right blend of sugar, potassium, salt and other essential nutrientsn If your toddler is drinking baby formula, then it may be advisable to switch to one that does not contain lactoseo Lactose aggravates diarrhea and vomiting in toddlerse For children who are over a year old, you can treat dehydration with juice that is mixed with water, clear soda and even clear soupsu
Toddler diarrhea and vomiting can thus be effectively treated with oral rehydration solutionso You must however, bear in mind that it is much easier to digest smaller amounts of fluid and you should therefore ensure frequent but small doses of fluidsi So a few tablespoons of oral rehydration fluid every few hours with some orange juice will help curb diarrhea and vomiting in toddlerse
One your toddler’s diarrhea and vomiting has subsided, ensure that you give him/her only bland foods for the first day after the symptoms improveo Foods like rice, dry toast, bananas, applesauce and unsweetened cereals are ideal bland foods for your toddler’s sensitive stomacha Do not give your toddler food that is rich in fat and sugar as this may irritate the stomach and aggravate symptoms of diarrhea and vomitingi You must remember, however, that at no point should the toddler be forced to eate Give him/her food only when your toddler gets hungry after his/her vomiting and diarrhea has improvedv