My toddler has an abscessed tooth. How and will this have any affect on her permanent teeth? When it comes in?

(March 11, 2010)

A tooth abscess usually occurs when there is intense infection of the tooth. The intensity of the decay causes the roots to begin decaying, infecting all the blood vessels that lie around that particular tooth as well. As the root of a tooth begins to rot, pus begins to collect in the sac that lies under the tooth, causing intense pain and sensitivity in the respective area. Toddlers who suffer from a tooth abscess are at a disadvantage because they have limited means of communication to let us know exactly what they are experiencing. One of the most alarming facts about an abscess is that it can lead to a spread of infection in the jaw bone, which causes further damage of the teeth that lie in the affected region. Toothaches and soreness in the mouth will soon cause a toddler to lose his or her appetite leading to a loss of weight, which itself is unhealthy.

The most common cause for toddler tooth decay is because of the fact that a number of parents allow their babies to sleep with a milk bottle or a juice bottle in the mouth. The carbohydrates present in sweetened milk, or juice, tend to react with the acids that are present in the saliva and affect the enamel of the tooth. An abscess in the initial stages can be taken care of through medication, after having solicited the advice of a dentist, as well as a pediatrician. If the intensity of the infection is strong, a dentist may advise you to have the infected tooth extracted.

An abscess that forms while the child still has his or her milk teeth does not cause too much damage to the permanent teeth. The affected area may take a little time to heal, but it does not cause any disfiguration of the face. As the roots around the permanent teeth strengthen, it is necessary for your child to take extreme care of the area that has been damaged. The best method of avoiding the formation of an abscess in your toddler’s mouth is to avoid the use of a milk bottle to put him or her to sleep. Frequent cleaning of the teeth with the help of a soft toothbrush or a soft cloth will help to remove the particles of food that will lead to tooth decay. Frequent visits to the dentist are also recommended to ensure that your child does not have too many dental problems at a tender age.

Submitted by P T on March 11, 2010 at 11:26

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