Reasons & Treatment For Toddler Tooth Decay

One of the scariest prospects for an adult is to have to face the prospect of losing one’s teeth much earlier than one expects to. Fortunately for children, most of the damage that they sustain to their teeth is nullified with the loss of early milk teeth and the addition of true teeth after that. Tooth decay in toddlers is a problem that most parents have a harrowing time with.

This is because of the extreme pain that the condition comes with. Tooth decay is caused by the hyperactivity of a certain kind of bacteria in the mouth called lactobacillus acidophilus.


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This is one of the useful bacteria in the mouth and actually keeps other types of bacteria at bay and plays a significant role in preventing oral thrush. Tooth decay in toddlers starts with an extremely sugar rich diet and poor oral care; therefore, after a dentist’s appointment, the next step should be to take care of the remaining teeth.

Reasons for Decay in Toddler Tooth

Toddler tooth decay is mostly caused by an excessive sugar diet and chocolates and sugary drinks are the main culprit. When sugar is ingested, there is a certain amount of sugar that is left in the oral cavity. Normal bacteria in the mouth go hyperactive with the presence of sugar and start to multiply and thrive en masse. All this activity of the bacteria causes acids to build up in the mouth, which goes on to attack the teeth that are made up of calcium. As the teeth start to wear down with regular sugar intake, there comes a point when pulp in the inside of the tooth is reached.

This entry allows other bacteria to move in and start an infection, in response to which the swelling and pain occurs. Once tooth decay occurs, there is usually no way out but to remove the infected tooth pulp. This is a process called a root canal and is advised when the decay reaches extremely high levels.

Treatment for Toddler Tooth Decay

A root canal is a process in which the tooth is drilled from behind and a set of screws is used to twist and tangle the mass of flesh within the tooth. In the first sitting, this is the procedure. After this, the tooth is sealed and allowed to heal. In the next sitting, a rubber-based plant substance called gutta percha is used to fill the tooth and the tooth is resealed again.

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