Should you take Cytotec for postpartum bleeding?

(April 19, 2010)

Postpartum bleeding is an absolutely normal phase that follows a pregnancy. During this phase, the body starts its journey towards regaining its original form and works towards ensuring that the uterus is free of placental tissue and other products related to the pregnancy. The first week or two following delivery will bring with it the passage of bright red blood, blood clots and tissue, through the vagina. This flow is heavier than a normal menstrual period. The bleeding gradually changes to a pinkish discharge and then fades to a yellowish-white discharge.

Any bleeding that continues for a period longer than normal could be a cause for concern. The condition usually indicates that a bit of the placenta has remained behind in the uterus. However small the piece, it poses a health risk to the new mother. Infection could also be the cause of prolonged bleeding. Another cause of extended bleeding could be the body’s inability to facilitate the clotting of blood. All these conditions could prove fatal if left untreated. Hence, consulting a gynecologist is highly recommended so as to rule out any complications. He or she may recommend some medical tests prior to prescribing medication. In case of a medical problem, certain antibiotics like cytotec may be recommended to stop the excessive bleeding or to deal with postpartum hemorrhage. Cytotec is prescribed when the doctor feels that it will be truly beneficial to the mother and when there is no other viable option. Cytotec should not be taken without being prescribed by your doctor as only he or she has the best knowledge of your medical history.

When on cytotec, your doctor would recommend that you stop breastfeeding your baby as such antibiotics have the ability to affect the infant through breast milk. One of the main side effects of cytotec, when passed on to babies is diarrhea. Diarrhea is one of the most dangerous illnesses for babies as it can prove fatal. In addition, a baby cannot describe its feelings and this makes detecting a problem in the baby difficult. In the mother, cytotec could lead to diarrhea resulting in dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Some of the symptoms include mood swings, muscle weakness, severe dizziness, lowered frequency and amount of urine and irregularities in the heartbeat. In some cases, it is also known to increase the flow of blood. Herbs like Blue Cohosh and Shepherd’s Purse are known to contract the uterus naturally while constricting the flow of blood. However, the use of such herbs is also recommended after consulting your doctor.

Submitted by P T on April 19, 2010 at 05:21

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