Pregnancy And Baby Care Articles After Pregnancy
Treating Postpartum Bleeding After C-Section
Submitted by Nick on January 17, 2012
Pregnancy can be one of the most delightful phases of a woman’s life, but is also brings along several concerns and worries for a woman. Even though a woman may enjoy her pregnancy, it is only natural for her to fear labor and delivery. Studies indicate that most women try to avoid a c-section delivery, because of the problems that have been associated with it. One of the factors that could cause some amount of concern to a woman is the thought of experiencing postpartum bleeding during c section. However, postpartum bleeding can be described as the flow of bright red blood, which is seen after the baby is born.
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Postpartum bleeding after c-section
Every woman experiences postpartum bleeding after childbirth, regardless of whether she had a normal delivery or a c section. Therefore, it is quite normal for women to experience some amount of postpartum bleeding after c-section. In most cases, the bleeding is light and requires no treatment, as it stops on its own.
However, some women can find it difficult to deal with even a small amount of postpartum bleeding after a c section or a normal delivery. After facing 9 months without a period, postpartum bleeding can be a shocking experience for just about anybody. More on
vaginal bleeding during pregnancyPostpartum bleeding after c-section is generally the heaviest for the first few days. At times blood clots may also be evident, in post partum bleeding. The flow of blood usually reduces within a couple of days. However, most mothers claim that postpartum bleeding increases when they take the baby home from the hospital. This is quite natural, as elevated levels of activity could lead to a heavier flow. Many women are asked to get some bed rest, in case the flow gets too heavy, leading to excessive loss of blood. It is better to either sit, or stand, to avoid a heavy flow, because sitting and then standing repeatedly could cause the flow of blood to increase.
However, in case the postpartum bleeding after c-section is excessive, or too heavy, it could be an indication of a serious problem, like damage to a vital blood vessel. Moreover, if the bleeding after does not cease after a period of time, it is best undergo a physical checkup. At times excessive postpartum bleeding after c-section could also be an indication of retained placenta, which is a serious complication. Therefore, in order to prevent any serious health problems or to prevent postpartum bleeding after c section infection, it is absolutely essential to consult a doctor, without any delay.
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