Pregnancy Implantation Bleeding Signs

It is a well known fact that missing a period is the earliest sign of a conception. However, there are many women who do experience bleeding even after the conception has occurred and pregnancy has been established. This may be worrying for both the woman as well as her partner.

Implantation Bleeding as Early Pregnancy Sign

Bleeding during implantation is surprisingly common and a lot of women experience it. There are several possible reasons for such bleeding.


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In the initial stages of the pregnancy, as soon as the fertilized egg gets implanted on the uterus, the woman may experience some light bleeding. This bleeding is much lighter than the regular periods and lasts for only 1-2 days.

After this bleeding is through, the pregnant woman may experience bleeding once again when the placenta embeds itself into the uterine lining.

The hormones that cause menstruation in a woman function differently when a woman is pregnant. These hormones cause a halt in the regular periods as soon as the woman gets pregnant. However, sometimes, the hormones do not act as they should and the woman still experiences bleeding around the same time that she has her periods. This bleeding is not really the regular menstrual cycle but is caused due to the hormonal changes. If the cervix gets dilated and softened, a woman would experience pregnancy bleeding. However, this too is perfectly normal and there is nothing to worry about.

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy could also be caused due to the growth of a benign polyp. An infection in the vagina may also cause bleeding during the first month of pregnancy. However, this usually occurs only after sexual intercourse.

Signs of Pregnancy Bleeding

The signs of pregnancy bleeding are simple.

There is light bleeding for a day or two. Sometimes, there is only a slight spotting of blood. The symptoms of pregnancy bleeding with clots are pain in the abdomen, cramps and nausea. Such heavy bleeding and appearance of clots can in fact complicate the pregnancy. Therefore a doctor should be consulted about this.

If there are early signs of pregnancy bleeding in the second trimester, this can be a cause of concern. In the second and third trimester, bleeding is abnormal and shouldn’t occur. The reasons of such bleeding are very different from that in the first trimester. This could be an indication of an ectopic pregnancy.
If there are still signs of pregnancy bleeding after the twenty eighth week of pregnancy, this can be really dangerous. The bleeding may be very brisk and should be checked by a doctor. If the bleeding is not stopped, the woman may even experience extreme hemorrhaging which could be fatal.

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