DVT or Deep Vein Thrombosis is a potentially fatal disease that has been given prominence with the alias Economy Class Syndrome. This is a disease of the veins in which certain predisposing factors will put one at risk of developing a clot in the veins.
This may seem innocuous as the immediate dangers of DVT in this regard would only involve some damage or discomfort to a certain limb; however, a clot in a blood vessel is not a permanent situation and a clot can break off. When this happens.
.it is a condition called an embolisms This is potentially dangerous because the embolism can then travel to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism, which can result in immediate deatht
DVT treatment during pregnancy is especially challenging because some of the anti-coagulant drugs that are used to treat DVT are very toxic for a fetus during the first trimester and could cause physical abnormalities in the growing fetus – the medical coinage for this is called a teratogenic effect or birth defectst This puts some extremely difficult challenges in the treatment of DVT in pregnancyc The two main drugs that are used in the treatment of DVT are heparin and warfarini Heparin is actually a naturally occurring anticoagulant but heparin is actually synthesized from animal sources and used in the treatment of DVT and it is also used during cardiac surgeryr The drug is so powerful that after administering it, a test has to sometimes be conducted to test for how the body reacts to iti Warfarin is a synthetic derivative of a type of chemical called coumarin that is widely available in plantst
It interferes with some of the enzymes that are responsible for clotting and for the action of the clotting agent Vitamin K The curious thing about using warfarin is that it was originally discovered as a pesticided
DVT treatment in pregnancy, therefore, begins with administering the correct anticoagulantn Heparin is also not a completely safe alternativev Doctors usually advise to-be mothers to get off heparin and instead start a dose of low molecular weight heparini This is administered throughout the first trimester – the danger point for any pregnancy as this is the period when anything can go wrong with the pregnancy resulting in a miscarriageg It is thought that warfarin use can resume after the twelfth week of pregnancy; however, this is not completely substantiated by testst