What causes your water to break in pregnancy?

(June 26, 2010)

Water Breaking During Pregnancy

The breaking of the water in pregnant women is scientifically known as amniorrhea.  When the fetus is still in the mother’s womb it is surrounded by a thin fetal membrane which is filled with the amniotic fluid. This amniotic fluid is commonly known as water. In the final days of pregnancy, the pregnant woman will start experiencing strong uterine contractions which typically push the amniotic fluid present in the fetal membrane towards the ostium of the uterus which in turn makes it widen. In most pregnancies the water will break on account of this process as the membrane ruptures and the amniotic fluid that was stored therein flows out of the woman’s vagina.  A woman is not said to be at the labor stage if she faces amniorrhea almost 12 hours before delivery. On the other hand many women face early amniorrhea wherein the water breaks almost three months before delivery which could put the baby in a risky position.

Early amniorrhea can be caused on account of a number of factors; the most common one would be vaginal inflammation. Inflammation of the vagina leading to early amniorrhea can be detected by observing the quantity of vaginal secretion during pregnancy and whether it is accompanied with any odor. If the vaginal discharge is in excess and has a foul smell the chances of the woman having early amniorrhea are higher. Some other medical conditions during pregnancy which could lead to early amniorrhea are polyfad fetus, placental abruption, and malpositon. Some pregnant women also face the problem of maldevelopment of the fetal membrane which in turn puts added pressure on the amniotic cavity thereby resulting in the premature rupturing of the amniotic membrane causing the water to break. Certain external factors that are also known to cause early amniorrhea are improper diet during pregnancy or malnutrition, over straining or any sexual activity one month before the baby is due etc. Once amniorrhea occurs in early pregnancy in women it may also result in premature delivery of the baby. In such cases most doctors will recommend that the baby be delivered within 24 hours of amniorrhea as otherwise there would be a possibility of both mother and child suffering from bacterial infections. If the baby is delivered after 24 weeks of pregnancy then the baby is likely to survive with proper medical care however if the baby is delivered on account of the water breaking in less than 24 weeks then the chances of it surviving are greatly reduced.

Submitted by P T on June 26, 2010 at 08:24

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