Pregnancy And Baby Care Articles During Pregnancy
Ways To Avoid Back Pain During Pregnancy
Submitted by Nick on January 25, 2012
Pregnancy is a very fulfilling time for any woman. She is on the threshold of expanding her family and is preparing herself for the arrival of a new member in the family. Although there is much bliss in expecting a child, there also come the troubles of physical exhaustion in carrying a pregnancy. During the first few weeks, while the embryo is still developing, an expectant mother continues to work through most of her regular routine. If there is any threat to the pregnancy, however, doctors may advise bed rest.
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Pregnancy And Baby Care Questions
One of the common ailments of a pregnancy is the back pain associated with the rapidly changing shape and physique of the mother’s body.
Back pain in early pregnancy could possibly be caused by a build up of gas in the abdominal region. As the baby develops inside the womb, there are a number of hormonal changes that take place every minute and these tend to throw the digestive system out of sync.
One of the best ways to avoid a back pain caused by gas is to break up the three main meals into smaller meals, spread out over the span of the day. In doing so, you ensure that the digestive system is not strained at any particular point of time, while your body is nourished throughout the day. Drinking a lot of water is very beneficial, as it helps to dilute toxins in the body and clean the system well. Lower back pain in early pregnancy could be caused by the changing size of the mother’s uterus. With further development of the baby, the centre of gravity of the mother’s body changes, causing her to tilt slightly backwards, while walking. The strain on the lower back causes a certain amount of discomfort that is experienced during the second trimester.
Expectant mothers who would like to free themselves from a back pain pregnancy can easily do so by eating healthy foods, wearing the correct comfortable footwear and walking ands sitting with a good posture. Getting a little exercise daily is advised, as it helps to keep the muscular system of the body completely functional. Walking and swimming are best recommended during pregnancy. However, if a doctor has advised bed rest, exercise would best be avoided. At times, you may also try soaking in a tub of warm water to help relieve any stress that is causing the back pain.
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