Green Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy
Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is normal and the slightly milky odorless discharge that occurred pre-pregnancy is likely to increase in production. This occurs because of an increased production of oestrogen and because the blood flow in the vaginal area increases as you approach labor. When the discharge changes color, and becomes tinted with a brownish color or if it involves some amount of bleeding, this could be a sign of preterm labor. If it turns yellow or green and is frothy in appearance and is accompanied by a foul smelling odor, it could be the symptom of a vaginal infection or perhaps even a sexually transmitted disease. Even if the discharge is not accompanied by itching, a burning sensation or general irritation, one cannot rule out the possibility of an STD and it would be advisable to consult a doctor immediately as it may affect your pregnancy and harm your child. Sexually transmitted diseases can cause premature labor and also lead to infections of the uterus after delivery. Occasionally they may lead to still births and the child may be born with birth defects. It is important to not self-medicate in this condition as over the counter medicines may not be beneficial and may again prove detrimental to your child. Green discharge is almost certainly caused by an infection of some sort and requires medical attention. More on mucus discharge during pregnancy
You may also use panty liners to absorb the discharge and clean the area by wiping from front to back. Use warm water to wash the area periodically and do not douche under any circumstance. This is because douching upsets the delicate balance of flora in the vaginal area and can aggravate the infection. Wear cotton panties and avoid tight underwear, nylon tights, and pants that are too tight. Bubble baths, scented toilet paper or pads, sprays and scented deodorant soaps are also best avoided. Drink 4-5 litres of water a day and consume fruit juices as well in order to flush out candida and other kinds of harmful bacteria from the vaginal area. A cup of cranberry juice a day will also reduce the risk of possible yeast infections. Eat a healthy balanced diet containing whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, cereals, green leafy vegetables, lean meat, and fish to make your body strong enough to fight infections. Supplement your diet with a cup of yogurt a day as it contains healthy lactobacillus bacteria. Keep in mind that green discharge during pregnancy is not normal and that it requires immediate medical attention.
A greenish discharge during pregnancy could be an indicator of an underlying medical condition or pregnancy complication. The most common cause of light green discharge during pregnancy or yellow green discharge during pregnancy is a urinary tract infection. Pregnant women are prone to urinary tract infections during pregnancy because as the uterus expands, it exerts pressure on the ureters. This restricts the flow of urine thus causing it to accumulate in the bladder. In addition, some women tend to hold on to urine for a long time. The longer urine stays in the body, the higher the chances of the growth of harmful bacteria. In some women, the uterus presses on the bladder thus resulting in an increase in urination frequency. This forces expectant women to use public toilets when they are out. The use of public toilets is a leading cause of urinary tract infections in women because of their short ureters. Green discharge while pregnant is usually accompanied by an itching or a burning sensation especially experienced during urination. It may also have a rather repulsive odor. An inflammation of the vulva may signal a yeast infection which is triggered by hormonal alterations. Green vaginal discharge during pregnancy may also have a frothy appearance or a cottage cheese texture.
When green discharge in pregnancy is a result of a urinary tract infection, it is not a very serious issue, provided it is treated in time. The most common remedy for urinary tract infections is drinking plenty of water so as to flush out harmful germs from the system. Pregnant women are also advised to visit the toilet as often as possible to empty out their bladder, so as to reduce the buildup of urine in the body. Tilting forward while urinating and waiting till the last drop falls out would prove beneficial. It is also advisable for women to refrain from using public toilets as far as possible. Personal hygiene is a matter of priority, especially during pregnancy. It is always advisable to clean the vaginal area from the front to the rear so as to prevent the contamination of vaginal discharge with germs from the anus. The use of scented personal hygiene products and uncomfortably tight panties and clothes must be avoided completely. Douches must also be avoided. Consumption of yogurt is believed to be beneficial in the treatment of yeast infections. Also see brown discharge during pregnancy
Vaginal discharge is a normal part and parcel of a woman’s life, be it during the normal course of her life or during pregnancy. The discharge is a combination of mature vaginal wall cells, cervical and vaginal secretions and bacterial flora from the vagina. At the onset of her pregnancy, it is not uncommon for a woman to experience an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge. This discharge is generally odorless or may have a slight odor that is generally not repulsive. During pregnancy, a whitish, milky discharge is absolutely normal and is mainly caused due to hormonal changes occurring within the expectant mother’s body. The rise in estrogen levels is the main cause of increased vaginal discharge. Another common cause of vaginal discharge during pregnancy is an increase in blood supply to the pelvic region. It is also common for an expectant woman to pass blood streaked discharge or discharge that may be brownish in color around the same time as she misses her period for the first time after conception. This happens as a result of the implantation process during which the fertilized egg borrows into the uterine wall to embed itself properly, so that the pregnancy can progress. At times, women experience an unexpected increase in discharge in the form of a constant trickle or a sudden gush of fluid from the vagina. This, in reality, is not vaginal discharge but amniotic fluid that flows out on the rupturing of the amniotic sac that carries and protects the developing baby for the entire term of the pregnancy. If this occurs much ahead of the baby’s due date, it could be an indicator of pregnancy complications such as miscarriage or preterm labor. If dealt with in time, the pregnancy can be saved with quick medical intervention and bed rest on the part of the prospective mother. As the end of the pregnancy term draws close, a blob of mucus may be expelled through the vagina. This is the mucus plug that blocks the mouth of the uterus, consequently preventing the entry of infectious germs into the uterus. Thus it acts as a protective barrier. It may be blood stained with a consistency similar to that of the white of an egg. This usually happens around the 36th week of pregnancy and once it is expelled, labor is inevitable. See also yellow discharge during pregnancy
On a more serious note, pregnancy green discharge may be caused by a sexually transmitted disease. Chlamydia and trichomoniasis are sexually transmitted diseases that cause discolored vaginal discharge during pregnancy. If neglected, these diseases can cause pregnancy loss or pregnancy complications. In Chlamydia, the infection generally passes on to the baby during labor. In trichomoniasis, the infection passes to the baby through the amniotic fluid. In either case, the wellbeing of the baby is at risk if these conditions are ignored. Cervical polyps are another cause of altered vaginal discharge. In this case, smooth finger shaped protrusions arise in the passage between the uterus and vagina causing inflammation of the cervix. They may be the result of an increase in estrogen levels or due to blocked cervical blood vessels. When infected, they can cause a change in the consistency, color and odor of vaginal discharge.
If an expectant mother is uncertain with regard to the discharge, consulting a doctor is advisable so as to clear any doubts. Under no circumstances must a pregnant woman self medicate as she may end up doing more harm than good. Green vaginal discharge during pregnancy must not be ignored as any form of infection could cause pregnancy complications. If overlooked, greenish yellow discharge during pregnancy could prove detrimental to the health of the unborn baby and the success of the pregnancy, if the infection spreads into the uterus.
Submitted by N on July 1, 2010 at 04:38