Can I take ibuprofen while breastfeeding?

(March 13, 2012)

Can I take ibuprofen while pregnant?

After you have conceived a child, there are a number of things that you need to be careful of. Medications that may cause harm to the growth and development of the child must be avoided so that your pregnancy is safeguarded. It is advisable not to take ibuprofen while pregnant because it has a tendency to cause malfunctions in the functioning of the child’s heart, causing the passages to constrict and obstructing the flow of blood through the chambers. Heart defects being experienced by a developing fetus will lead to devastating results and therefore the consumption of this drug should be avoided, especially during a pregnancy. Through using ibuprofen while pregnant, you are not only putting your pregnancy at risk, but also yourself, because it will have a similar effect on your body as well. The drug has been placed on a list of drugs that are high risks during pregnancies by the Food and Drug Administration body, or the FDA, and has been banned for consumption during pregnancies. If there is no other alternative to using ibuprofen during the term of your pregnancy, it is advisable that you speak with your gynecologist and seek medical advice on what is to be done.

Submitted by N H on March 13, 2012 at 04:38

Ibuprofen While Pregnant

Ibuprofen is commonly found in a group of drugs, known as Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug (NSAID), which are consumed by most people, to get relief from pain or in order to reduce fever. Drugs containing ibuprofen can be used to cure and reduce inflammation or pain that is caused by conditions such as minor injuries, sprains, menstrual cramps, arthritis, back pain, toothaches and headaches. Most women who are breastfeeding are advised against the consumption of most medications however, as almost everything that is ingested by a nursing mother, including medicines, will usually appear in the milk that is consumed by the baby.

At times, certain medications also affect lactation in some women. Therefore, before taking any kind of medication, it is important to consult the baby’s doctor to get a go ahead if you are breastfeeding. A majority of the women are not allowed to take ibuprofen during the last three months of pregnancy, as it could cause birth defects in the unborn baby. The only time that a woman can take the medicine in the third trimester, is when her doctor asks her to do so. In most cases, if ibuprofen is taken by a nursing mother, it will be present in the breast milk, in very small amounts, which are not very likely, to cause any harm to the infant. Ibuprofen passed on to breast milk is at a very low level, - less that 0.6% of the maternal dose.  Infants who are suffering from high fever can also be given ibuprofen, but only upon the recommendation of a doctor or a pediatrician. Ibuprofen is considered compatible with breastfeeding, by the American Academy of Pediatrics. However, it is still best to consult with your health care provider before consuming any medications, including ibuprofen, especially if the baby was prematurely born, has a low birth weight or suffers from any medical condition.

Unfortunately, the use of ibuprofen on a regular basis can lead to certain side-effects, not just in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, but in everyone. It could increase risks of heart and circulation problems that could be life-threatening and could lead to heart attacks and strokes. This is why people who have just undergone a heart bypass surgery are not given this medication. NSAIDS have also been known to have negative effects like bleeding or a perforation, on a person’s intestines and stomach. Moreover, the longer that ibuprofen is taken, the higher the risks of such problems will be.

Submitted by P T on July 22, 2010 at 06:35

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