Why do women get dizzy during pregnancy?

(March 31, 2011)

Being dizzy during pregnancy is a common pregnancy related complaint. The hormonal and physical changes that take place in the body are responsible for the dizzy spells that many women are known to experience during pregnancy. Feeling dizzy during pregnancy causes a considerable amount of anxiety because a woman begins to doubt her ability to live life normally.

Changes in hormonal, blood sugar and blood pressure levels are the main causes of dizziness and unsteadiness during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the hormones make the blood vessels wider and relaxed. This is extremely essential for the development of the baby. However, this lowers the mother’s blood pressure levels and a fall in blood pressure is bound to cause dizziness and even fainting spells. The pressure exerted on major blood vessels by the uterus could also affect proper blood circulation resulting in dizziness. This could also happen due to bad posture as well as overexertion. Maintaining a comfortable, good posture helps in minimizing blood circulation problems related to posture. Not maintaining the same posture for extended periods of time will also prove beneficial. A fall in blood sugar levels also leads to dizziness during pregnancy. This mainly happens as a result of an empty stomach or an insufficient intake of nutrients. Many women refrain from eating as a result of nausea, vomiting or food aversions. This lowers blood glucose levels and causes dizziness. Hence, while pregnant, munching on healthy meal options such as vegetables such as carrots, fruits or nuts is highly recommended. A sudden fall in blood pressure or blood sugar levels as a result of related medication could also be the cause of the dizziness.

A dizzy spell during pregnancy could be triggered by conditions such as anemia wherein the mother has an iron deficiency or due to varicose veins triggered by an increased volume of blood in the body resulting in engorged blood vessels. Many women are also known to face water retention and poor blood circulation in the legs. This combined with any of the previously mentioned reasons could lead to feeling dizzy and shaky during pregnancy. Fluid retention caused by the hormones changes the curvature of the eyes and could cause dizzy and blurred vision during pregnancy. The hormones also affect the eyes by lowering the production of tears. This results in dry eyes characterized by irritation and discomfort. Whatever the complaint, it is always advisable to consult your doctor so as to avoid further pregnancy complications.

Submitted by N on March 31, 2011 at 11:41

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