How many women had spotting during their first trimesters of pregnancy?

(January 13, 2010)

One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is bleeding during the first trimester. It may be worrisome for most women to detect spotting during the initial weeks after conception. However, this is a natural and common occurrence that usually poses no harm to the mother or baby.

It is important to remember though, that whenever bleeding occurs, it is advisable to report it to your doctor so that complications of any sort are ruled out. A condition called cervicitis is most often the cause of bleeding in most cases. At the cervix or the opening of the womb, there are a number of cells which are very delicate in nature. These cells may bleed due to the friction that occurs during intercourse or due to changes in the pH balance of the vagina. Cervicitis occurs when the cells become inflamed due to infection. During pregnancy hormonal changes occur in the body and this may cause the cells to protrude slightly into the external part of the cervix. This exposes them to damage and bleeding may result. Such bleeding is not excessive and takes place only as spotting.  Many women experience bleeding 10 – 14 days after conception. Such bleeding occurs due to implantation of the egg in the uterus. The bleeding may continue for two days and is usually light. If the bleeding is heavy and persists for a longer duration, it is advisable to consult your doctor. During pregnancy, there is also an increase in the flow of blood to the cervix. As such inflammations arising in the cervix may cause bleeding. This is not harmful for the baby. In some cases, tiny pieces of tissue may loosen and disintegrate, leading to spotting. This may be mistaken for a miscarriage sometimes. Tissue pieces do not pose a problem; however, if the debris is part of placental or fetal tissue then it could pose a concern.

In certain cases, bleeding during the first trimester may be indicative of a problem. Miscarriages usually occur during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. If there is spotting or bleeding, accompanied by cramps, chills and fever, immediate medical attention is advisable. Heavy bleeding during the first three months of pregnancy may also be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy which is a serious condition that can prove harmful for the mother and baby. It occurs when a fertilized egg is unable to reach the uterus. When the egg remains in areas of the body that cannot expand, severe damage can result.

Submitted by P T on January 13, 2010 at 10:56

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