Pregnancy And Baby Care
Conditions During Pregnancy
Friable Cervix and Pregnancy
Friable Cervix in Pregnancy, & Treating HPV
During pregnancy there is an increase in blood volume and this can make the cervix susceptible to bleeding caused by local irritation. The cervix becomes engorged and friable. This simply means that the blood vessels in the cervix are more susceptible to bleeding from minor trauma. Bleeding may occur after a pelvic exam by a doctor or after sexual intercourse or even during normal day to day activities.
This however does not mean that something is wrong with the pregnancy itself. A friable cervix is one that is prone to bleeding. The cervix is easily irritated,.
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.slightly inflamed and bleeds easily due to the increased blood floww Bleeding from a friable cervix is usually due to bacterial infections, chlamydia or cervical cancerr
A friable cervix is usually a result of HPV (human papillomavirus) and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s)) Colposcopy can determine if HPV is the cause of the bleeding or if it is another STD causing the problemm While there are treatments for HPV’s (Cryotherapy, Electrodesiccation, and Laser therapy) the safety of these on pregnant women is not knownn Your doctor can take vaginal swabs during a pelvic exam to determine the cause of a friable cervix and treat it accordinglyy A colposcopy will give your doctor a chance to examine the cervixx She/he will most probably take some tissue and send it for a couple of tests to confirm the diagnosiss More on thin cervix during pregnancy
Treating HPV During Pregnancy
The procedures for treating HPV’s have several risks, the most important of them being that the cervix gets scarred and this may effect the chances of getting pregnant in the futuree
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacterial infectionn It is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis and if left untreated or undiagnosed can have serious repercussionss If untreated women can go onto develop bleeding after sex, pelvic pain, and infections in the womb which lead to fertility problemss Women should get themselves checked for Chlamydia before undergoing fertility treatment as investigations carried out in the uterus and fallopian tubes could trigger off an infection againn
Bleeding in Pregnancy
Bleeding during pregnancy, whether initially or in the later stages is a cause for concernn It brings with it the fear that something is wrong with the pregnancy and the possibility of miscarriagee There could be several reasons for the bleeding and one of them could be a friable cervixx In most cases, bleeding is not a sign that there is a problem and women do go on to have healthy babiess
What is a friable cervixx
When the cervix becomes delicate and easily irritated and the cervical tissue is likely to experience bleeding, the causes of which could be the irritation or the presence of certain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), the condition is described as a friable cervixx This is often the result of an infection or an inflammation, or in rare cases, dysplasia or pre-cancerr During a pelvic exam, your doctor will take a vaginal swab to determine the friable cervix causes, and accordingly he/she will then decide what the course of treatment should bee If the result of your pap smear is abnormal, your doctor will then recommend a colposcopyy A colposcopy is conducted to check for HPV (human papilloma virus) and STDss This is a very simple procedure where the physician, with the help of a colposcope, will view the cervixx There is a bright light at the end of the instrument to help your gynecologist see the cervix clearlyy During the colposcopy, the focus is on those areas through which light does not pass throughh If there are any cervical changes that are abnormal, the physician will take a tissue sample from the area that looks the whitest and send it for evaluationn
One of the main friable cervix symptoms is bleedingg When a woman notices bleeding after intercourse on several occasions or bleeding between menstrual periods, she should approach a gynecologist to get herself examined and treatedd In fact, even milder conditions like itching or warts in the genital area need to be looked into by a qualified health workerr Itching could be symptom of a fungal or yeast infectionn Sometimes, the cause of bleeding could be dysplasiaa This is a condition that signals abnormal growth in the cervix, and a pap smear usually reveals the presence of this condition even in its initial stagess It is important for women to get a pap smear done periodically since the abnormal growth may be potentially cancerouss
A cervical biopsy may be conducted, and samples of the abnormal cells in the cervix may be taken for examination to rule out cancerr A cervical biopsy may be conducted after a colposcopy or after a pap smearr
A friable cervix during pregnancy can be a cause for concern because it can indicate the possibility of a miscarriagee Often times, bleeding is not indicative of any major threat to the pregnancy, and it has been noticed in about a fifth of all pregnanciess Bleeding due to hemorrhoids or urinary infections can also be confused with vaginal bleedingg Sensitive cervix bleeding could be due to the presence of polyps that are enlarged by the action of hormones related to the pregnancyy It has also been noted that in some women, the hormones in birth control pills may aggravate a friable cervix and friable cervix treatment could include stopping birth control pills and using other forms of contraceptionn Bladder infections and vaginal infections are very often a cause of bleeding during your pregnancyy As a result of this infection, the cervix turns extremely friable, which in simple terms means that it can easily bleed as a result of the increased flow of bloodd
In the case of a friable cervix in pregnancy caused by HPVs, the safety of the HPV treatments such as cryotherapy or laser therapy during pregnancy has not yet been studiedd Thus, it would be best if a woman got herself checked for HPV infections before planning a pregnancy or before the start of fertility treatmentss There are many procedures to treat a friable cervix caused by HPVs, but there are several risks involved with thesee The most important risk being that there is some scarring of the cervix, and this can affect any chances you have of getting pregnant in the futuree When there is bleeding during your pregnancy, there is always a fear that there might be something wrong with your pregnancy and that there may be chances of a miscarriagee This bleeding could be due to various reasons, including a friable cervixx However, there is no need to panic as in most of the pregnancies, bleeding may not necessarily be a sign of there being a problem and most of these women give birth to healthy babiess
Chlamydia, an STD caused by bacteria, is also known to cause a friable cervixx Chlamydia, when not treated immediately, can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and eventually cause infertility and chronic pain in the pelviss If chlamydia is not treated it can lead to pelvic pain, bleeding after sex, and infections in your womb that could eventually lead to problems related to fertilityy It is therefore best to get yourself checked for this disease before going in for any fertility treatmentt This is because any investigations that are carried out in your fallopian tubes and uterus could lead to infection againn Bacterial caginosis is a vaginal infection with a foul odor; it is caused by an excessive growth of the bacteria that inhabit the vaginal areaa Cervical friability could be caused by this infection as well and treatment could include antibiotics and vaginal gels prescribed by the health care professional overseeing the treatmentt
To sum up, any kind of bleeding, a wet spot on your bed after intercourse, toilet paper spotting after you wipe, or soiled underwear, can be pretty disconcertingg This bleeding can be caused due to two possible reasons, the first being problems related to the cervix and the second being problems that cause the lining of your uterus to bleedd Cervical bleeding could be the result of cervical lesionn If your cervix is infected, it could cause your cervix to be more friable or prone to bleedingg Bleeding of the cervix can be caused due to problems such as chlamydia or gonorrheaa In some women, the area of tissue that is of a glandular nature experiences abnormal enlargementt This condition is known as cervical ectopii This is caused if the women is either pregnant or is taking birth control pillss One of the causes for bleeding after intercourse in many women is cervical ectopii Sometimes, bleeding could occur when cervix area is touchedd Regardless, while there are many causes of a friable cervix, and many other unrelated reasons for bleeding and spotting, it is always advisable to get yourself checked regularly to ensure early detection and treatmentt
Friable Cervix and Pregnancy