- Experience with capping a toddlers tooth? - March 3, 2010One of the most painful experiences for any toddler is the breaking of a tooth. In many cases, this takes place around the time that the child is ...
- What should I do if my 2 year old broke his front tooth? - March 3, 2010Teeth are fairly strong, but they still can fracture, break or chip. Teeth tend to usually break because of trauma. This can happen if the person ...
- My 15 month old fell and chipped a tooth this morning. Should I take her to a doctor? - March 2, 2010known to be a common problem among both adults and children. It is referred to as bruxism. Grinding of one’s teeth is, generally, not harmful as...
- How long should I wait to TTC after 2 miscarriages? - March 2, 2010After a woman has had a miscarriage, settling on the decision to attempt another pregnancy can be very difficult. It is normally recommended that the ...
- What are my chances getting pregnant After two miscarriages - March 2, 2010When a woman conceives and a fetus starts to grow, it gets half of its genes from the sperm of the father and the half from the egg of the mother. At ...
- I just tested positive for Polymorphism in relation to my 3 miscarriages.What does this mean in simpler terms? - March 2, 2010A pregnancy that is a success needs fine tuning of what is referred to as fibrinolytic activities. This is to secure the fibrin polymerization and ...
- How many days after conception did you all start feeling signs of pregnancy? - March 2, 2010Everyone is different and each pregnancy is unique too. Pregnancy signs in different women can start off differently too. Some women can start showing...
- Did you have different pregnancy signs for 1st and 2nd pregnancies? - March 2, 2010Conception occurs when the sperm makes contact with the egg and fertilizes the egg. The sperm and egg join in the fallopian tube to form a zygote ...
- What’s the difference between premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy signs? - March 2, 2010The female body undergoes various changes due to the fluctuation in the level of hormones that takes place as a part of the natural menstrual cycle. ...
- What are the sings of pregnancy at 3 weeks? - March 2, 2010One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is minor vaginal spotting, which occurs after the sperm fertilizes the egg and the embryo attaches itself to ...