What are my chances getting pregnant After two miscarriages

(March 2, 2010)

When a woman conceives and a fetus starts to grow, it gets half of its genes from the sperm of the father and the half from the egg of the mother. At times, for no reason the pregnancy does not reach full term and a miscarriage occurs. At times a miscarriage may not be noticed right away and this is referred to as a ‘missed miscarriage’. If the baby did not implant itself or bury itself properly in the lining of the womb then this can also lead to a miscarriage occurring. These occurrences are just by chance and not because of any something the mother did or did not do. But the important part is that miscarriage does not imply that the woman cannot get pregnant again. Studies have indicated that miscarriage occurs in at least 60 percent of all natural cycles for fertile couples. As the pregnancy progresses the risk of a miscarriage occurring decreases. If a woman miscarries more than once then it is referred to as a ‘recurrent miscarriage’.

Some of the concerns that women have are if they will be able to conceive again after miscarrying. Normally a dilatation and curettage is carried out with the intention of reducing any chances of infection setting in when a woman has miscarried. Having this treatment does not weaken the woman’s cervix or make her miscarry in the next pregnancies. Miscarriage can be potentially more common for those women who have miscarried. Possibilities of early pregnancy loss can occur because of multiple pregnancies, the age of the mother at the time of conceiving. As the maternal age increases so does the risk of miscarrying. If the woman is suffering from diabetes that is poorly controlled then this can be another factor. Scleroderma is a disease which is a factor in causing miscarriage.

Smoking, alcohol consumption and drug usage can all increase the risk of miscarriage. Even occupational exposures to any solvents can increase the chances. Molar pregnancies, missed miscarriage, tubal pregnancy, embryo toxic factor can all be factors. Doctors normally recommend that the woman waits for at least her first period before trying to conceive again. Studies have indicated that the risk of miscarriage is 1.5 times higher if at least one period cycle has not occurred to intervene between pregnancies.  Some precautions can be taken to increase the chances of a normal pregnancy like getting adequate exercise, reducing stress in one’s life, eating a healthy diet, and keeping one’s weight well within the required limits. Reducing alcohol intake and even quitting smoking increases the chances. Folic acid supplements should be taken to increase the chances of a normal development in the baby’s nervous system.

Submitted by P T on March 2, 2010 at 04:12

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