Could a Miscarriage Be Caused By Genetic Abnormalities?

Miscarriage is a terrible phase in a woman's life where she faces the loss of the baby within her womb before 24 weeks of gestation. An expectant mother would not be able to think of anything more important than the well being of her unborn child. Hence, she takes utmost care to ensure that the developing baby receives all that is necessary for proper growth.

However, sometimes a miscarriage is inevitable and leaves the woman wondering what exactly went wrong.

Are Miscarriage Genetic?


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Are Miscarriage Genetic?

Many people ask, "Are miscarriages genetic?" In fact, in most cases, a miscarriage is genetic due to an inherent deformity that sets in at the time of fertilization itself, during cell division. Genetic abnormalities are more common when the expectant mother is over 35 years of age. The human body, being a marvelous machine, recognizes the defects in an abnormal baby and expels it from the body. Approximately half of the miscarriages are a result of chromosomal abnormalities in the developing baby. Each cell in the human body is made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each parent contributes one of each pair of chromosomes - the father, through the sperm and the mother, through the egg. These chromosomes contain numerous genes that are responsible for the proper growth and development of the baby.

An additional chromosome or a missing one is the main cause for miscarriages usually occurring in the first or second trimester.

Miscarriage Genetic Pregnancy

In rare cases, the pregnancy may continue to full term and the baby born would suffer from some inevitable birth defect or mental retardation. In some cases, either one of the parents may have chromosomal rearrangements that pass on to the egg or sperm. Even though the chromosomal structure is balanced in the parent, an extra or a less chromosome may pass on to the baby due to a change in chromosomal structure, thus increasing the chances of a miscarriage. An alteration in the structure of a single gene or a group of genes within the chromosomes may also be the cause for malformed embryos which leads to miscarriage (genetic) sooner or later.

A woman who has experienced a number of miscarriages is advised tests such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis to ensure that subsequent babies are healthy. Genetic testing, done by studying a blood sample of both parents, is another well recommended method of checking if the baby that one will conceive has any chances of inheriting a disorder from either of the parents. Genetic testing is also recommended if a family member has a genetic disorder, a prior pregnancy ended due to genetic deformities or if a previous child was born with genetic abnormalities.

Genetic Miscarriages
Miscarriage Genetic
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