Morning Sickness and Its Impact on detecting a Miscarriage

A very important sign of pregnancy is morning sickness. More than ninety percent of women will say that their first trimester was all about morning sickness.

While morning sickness is nothing to be cheerful about, not having it can raise the hackles of an expectant mother.

Each pregnancy is different and it is not necessary that a woman must experience morning sickness; so, a lack of it does not automatically imply that there is something wrong with the baby.


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However, if you have experienced morning sickness and it suddenly disappears, you should speak to your doctor about it as it could be possible that you have miscarried.

As it is, when a woman becomes pregnant, the first twelve weeks are the most anxious as there is a constant fear that something bad could happen. You are always looking for the smallest sign of trouble, which is why, morning sickness becomes a critical factor.

Miscarriage and Morning Sickness

There are women who experience nausea all day long. Some even fear that their excessive morning sickness could affect the baby. Morning sickness cannot cause a miscarriage, however excessive it may be. That said, if you can't keep any food down and are constantly vomiting, you do need to consult your doctor as it could be a sign of an underlying trouble of another kind.

Morning Sickness After Miscarriage

There are times when a miscarriage occurs, but the pregnancy symptoms continue. This is, perhaps, the most difficult thing to deal with. Morning sickness, in particular, can sometimes continue for a week or sometimes even two weeks after a miscarriage. This happens because even though the fetus is no longer in the womb, the hormones are still very much there as are the HCG levels.

As long as they are not restored to the normal levels, the symptoms, especially morning sickness, may continue for a while after a miscarriage.

No Morning Sickness Miscarriage

As mentioned earlier, not having morning sickness or rather, if the morning sickness disappears suddenly, it could be the sign of an early miscarriage. Even so, there is no need to panic because the disappearance of morning sickness can be caused by any number of things. Each pregnancy is different and the symptoms and signs differ for each woman. It's important to remember that morning sickness occurs in the first trimester and starts to disappear between the 12th and 14th week and is at its peak around the 8th to 10th week of your pregnancy. So, if your morning sickness is waning off after 10 weeks, it is probably a natural transition. If it wanes within 6 or 7 weeks, you can check with your doctor. Usually, not having morning sickness or a sudden disappearance of it is no cause for worry.

You only need to be concerned when the lack of morning sickness is followed by spotting or bleeding. It is important to be attentive to your body and its changes; however, not every change during your pregnancy is a sinister one. It is best to discuss possible complications with your doctor so that you keep your pregnancy in perspective and enjoy it as much as you can.

Miscarriage And Morning Sickness
Miscarriage Morning Sickness
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