Hereditary Causes of Frequent Miscarriages

If you are aware of a family history of miscarriages, it is not inevitable that your risk of miscarriage will be heightened. On the contrary, frequency of miscarriages or habitual spontaneous abortion may or may not be hereditary.

Here, the question arises, are miscarriages hereditary?

Miscarriage Hereditary Conditions

Numerous studies conducted on the issue have revealed that miscarriages and its frequency might sometimes run in families, only when all the other tests carried out to understand the situation have been rendered unaccountable.


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Under any circumstance, the risk of undergoing a miscarriage in any pregnancy is almost 15%.

Even if a woman may have experienced more than one miscarriage in a row, her chances of conceiving through a normal pregnancy are as high as 85 to 90%. However, if a woman has had more than three miscarriages consecutively, her statistical odds of suffering a miscarriage once again is likely to increase dramatically, and it is highly recommended that the couple undergo medical examination or genetic counseling to determine the exact cause behind consecutive or frequent miscarriages. Out here it is important to emphasize on the frequency of miscarriages: for instance if a pregnant woman has had a miscarriage but has had another normal pregnancy that was delivered at term, had two consecutive miscarriages and then another normal pregnancy, the risk of a future miscarriage does not become a grave issue nor is she likely to experience a future risk of miscarriages. Such a condition is not likely to make miscarriages a hereditary factor

Causes of Frequent Miscarriages

Most medical experts find a likely cause in approximately half of the women who suffer frequent miscarriages, and none of these include the hereditary factor. Of the well known causes behind frequent miscarriages, chief among them lie in chromosomal abnormalities either in the sperm or ovule during conception. Chromosomal abnormalities take place when there are random errors in the division of cells during the development of the sperm or the ovule, rather than any medical disorder directly transmitted from either parent.

Another issue found in frequent miscarriages is asymptomatic chromosomal abnormalities such as symmetrical translocation which enhances the pregnant woman's disposition to miscarriage.

Such a condition is hereditary and runs in families and may be passed on to the child. However such chromosomal disorders are rarely seen and occur in approximately 5% of all couples with frequent miscarriages. Hence, if you are absolutely certain that your mother has had a translocation or similar such chromosomal abnormality, the odds are not very high that you would need to worry about.

Another cause of frequent miscarriages which may have a genetic predisposition is known as the antiphospholipid syndrome. However medical experts suggest that there is no conclusive evidence to indicate that a woman may have acquired this condition from her mother. Other factors that need to be looked into, with regards to frequent miscarriages, are specific infections, structural abnormalities of the cervix, autoimmune conditions and lifestyle disorders such as cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse. It also helps to note that the risk of miscarriage increases with advanced age and by the time a woman reaches her 40s, her risk of experiencing a miscarriage is probably 25% or higher.

Is Miscarriage Hereditary?
Miscarriage Hereditary
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