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Preconception Planning for Men
Kieth | April 10, 2012

Preconception planning is usually planning that is undertaken before a woman gets pregnant. This planning is done to ensure that all possible chances of miscarriage and other worries are covered. Preconception planning for women can include any number of tests, diet and health regimen. Men are often considered a support function when it comes to preconception planning. But that need not be the case.
Basic Precautions Men Need to Take
Men can support their partners and encourage the women by helping them stick to the preconception plan as it might not be an easy plan to follow. There is, however, preconception planning for men as well. During the preconception planning stages, the man is asked to do a health check up. Men need to take basic precautions like not wear tight clothing, especially tight underwear. Men should also avoid taking long hot baths or sauna as it can affect the motility of the sperm. While exercising, men should avoid cycling till their wife gets pregnant. This physical activity also heats up the testicles and decreases the motility of the sperm. Men should also discuss their medical history including possible genetic disease with their doctors, so that the doctor prescribes the right tests.
What Diet is Beneficial?
If you already take some medication, check them for effects on health. Steroids and other medication like chemotherapy have been known to affect health and reduce chances of getting pregnant. During preconception planning, men can also follow a diet that boosts health and promotes fertility. Men can help by taking steps to increase their sperm count and motility. There are natural ways to do this. You can increase your intake of zinc. Consume oysters, as their main ingredient is zinc. Oysters can have a dual effect as they are also considered aphrodisiacs. Zinc is also present, in high quantities, in mushrooms, sprouts, green peas, Napa cabbage, wasabi, sun-dried tomatoes and lentils. Increasing your consumption of such vegetables can really help improve the quality of your sperm.
Small amounts of zinc can also be found in meat, poultry and eggs. Men can also increase the consumption of fruits, especially those high in antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent the sperm from cellular damage. Prunes are great for health and high in antioxidants. You can also try from numerous fresh, seasonal berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, black berries and citrus fruits like oranges. Doctors might also prescribe multivitamins which are good to improve your immunity.
A well-balanced diet is also a very important part of becoming healthy while trying for a baby. Eat a diet balanced in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and minerals. Ensure that you get your daily dose of fruits and vegetables. Get enough sleep and regular exercise. Switch to whole grains, wherever possible and remember to drink plenty of water so that toxins are continually flushed out.
Consumption of alcohol, smoking cigarettes or even consuming excess coffee, can also lead to reduced sperm. Stopping such habits or reducing these habits can benefit both the partners. Like all lifestyle changes, it is important to start these changes well before you actually start working on conceiving your baby.
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