Home Blogs Ten Pregnancy Gender Myths
Ten Pregnancy Gender Myths
Kieth | August 10, 2012

Is it a boy or a girl? Whether you decided to find out about the sex of your baby as soon as possible or you wait for a surprise until the very end, there are some guessing games that can make the wait more enjoyable. While science can argue that none of these myths can be proven, there is always a fifty percent chance that they are right…
Myth 1: High or Low
According to this myth, how high or low you are carrying can indicate the sex of your baby. If you are carrying low, it's a boy and if you are carrying high, it's a girl. Needless to say, science completely negates this theory and insists that the way you carry your baby depends on your uterine and muscle tone as well as the position of the baby and has nothing to do with the sex of your baby.
Myth 2: The Drano Test
Take a small sample of your urine and mix it with some Drano. Depending on the color your urine turns, you will have a boy or a girl. However, there is no consensus on what color indicates what sex. Therefore, if your pee turns brown, black, blue or even bluish yellow it could be a boy. If the color is green, blue, greenish-brown or doesn't change at all it may be a girl. Not much to go by but hey, it could be a fun experiment – harsh fumes and a mini explosion notwithstanding!
Myth 3: Can You Hear My Heartbeat?
An old faithful among the pregnancy myths is the one that says the fetal heartbeat of girls and boys differ. Girls have a heart rate of above 140 while boys a rate below 140. But wait just a minute, here comes science again stomping its feet and claiming that this is absolute fiction. A baby's heart rate will not be affected by its sex until it is born, it says, so there goes the theory.
Myth 4: Sugar! Sugar!
Many believe cravings are caused by the sex of your baby. Girl babies seem to want more of sugar and other things nice while boy babies make you reach for the lip-puckering lemons and limes. It would be fun to believe this rather than listen to the experts who insist that food cravings don't exist at all. Right! Tell that to the pregnant woman who can't sleep without her fix of chips dipped in ice cream.
Myth 5: Piling on the Pounds.
Thankfully it's not your weight gain that is being examined but rather your husband's. It seems that if hubby dearest puts on weight during your pregnancy it's a girl and if he doesn't – it's a boy. And it doesn't have anything to do with all the cookies he has been eating to keep you company.
Myth 6: Moon Face
If your face gets fuller and rounder during your pregnancy, it may be a girl. Then again it may not.
Myth 7: the Pendulum Test
This one is an oldie but goodie. Hold a pendant on a chain over your tummy. If the necklace swings back and forth it's a boy. If it's more of a circular motion, then it's a girl.
Myth 8: Hmm Now..
Some tests sound as whacky as they are. For example, the next time you are naked take a long hard look at your breasts. Is the right one larger than the left? Yes? Then congratulations…you are having a boy! Let's just gloss over the possibility of having twins if both breasts are the same size shall we?
Myth 9: See a Key and Pick It Up
If you pick up the key from the thinner end, get out the pink booties. If you grab the key at the bottom, it's a boy. And heaven help you if you pick it up in the middle as its twins on the way.
Myth 10: Teenage Angst II
If you break out with acne during your pregnancy or suffer from oily skin, many believe you are carrying a girl. This may have something to do with the extra hormones being produced or it may just be your bad luck.
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