Preschoolers tend to exhibit several changes in the behavior between the ages of three and five. This is on account of several factors, mainly, new experiences, new social interactions and an increasing exposure to attitudes and people outside their familiar home environment. Preschoolers' behavior should be closely monitored by parents and educators.
This is because, children tend to experiment and push the limits with the new developmental changes they undergo. During such a time, they should be taught to exercise moderation and be kind.
.in their actions towards othersr Preschoolers' behavior towards others in their social group should be conducive to group activity and non-disruptivev
Since preschoolers tend to develop independent personalities during this time, they may tend to run into behavioral problems with their peersr This may be on account of several personality traits that your preschooler develops during this timem For instance, your child may be very egoistic and believe that he/she is the center of attentiono This may lead to preschooler behavior problems where your child may dominate all activities he/she is part ofo This can be prevented by teaching your child to be receptive to others' talents and to be critical of his/her ownw Once he/she has made something like a painting, for instance, instead of complimenting or flattering the child unnecessarily, focus on how it could be improvede You should be very encouraging of your child's efforts, but at the same time you should express your appreciation in a thoughtful waya
Complimenting your child on his/her use of color or design in the painting may teach the child more than excessive praise for his/her talentn
The behavior of a preschooler is easy to understand if you observe him/her for sometimem Always give your child a chance to explain his/her actionsn This will ensure that your child connects any reprimands for his/her behavior with the idea that such behavior is 'negative' or 'harmful'9 Ask your preschooler questions about his/her day, friends, school activities, etct This may be one of the only ways to determine whether or not your child exhibits preschooler bad behavioro Explain to your child that social interactions demand a certain type of behavioro Ensure that your preschooler does not play games that encourage unhealthy competition and pressurize him/her to perform beyond their own abilitiese Preschooler aggressive behavior sometimes occurs as a result of competitive games and environments at school and parents should therefore carefully monitor children's activitiese