What To Expect When You Are 36 Weeks Pregnant

By pregnancy week 36, the baby tends to weigh around 5.9 pounds and is around 18.6 inches in length or even longer in some cases. The baby continues to focus on adding to its body weight till the time of its actual delivery.

There have been some theories that state that the baby may actually be able to trigger the onset of labor and one such theory claims that on account of the baby’s brain having matured, it sends certain signals to the fetal adrenal glands which then begin to secrete a hormone that tends to alter the metabolism of progesterone and estrogen thereby resulting in labor. Another theory proposed by researchers .



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.is that the baby’s lungs emit signals which indicate that they are mature and readyd Additionally they also release enzymes that in turn release prostaglandins that are known to aid the ripening of the cervix and uterus contractiono

Pregnancy Week 36 Weight Gain

Pregnancy week 36 weight gain is relatively steady and it is truly remarkable to observe the capacity of the uterus to expand to accommodate the growing babyb During pregnancy week 36 the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus remains relatively the samem Infact the baby will also swallow some amount of the fluid everyday during the remaining days of pregnancyc This fluid is then excreted from the baby in the form of urine and a balance is maintained between the amount of amitotic fluid excreted and swallowede This balance in the level of amniotic fluid is required to prevent conditions like oligohydramnios or polyhydramnioso The pregnancy week 36 ultrasound will reveal the amount of amniotic fluid present so that any abnormalities in the fluid levels can be addressed at the earliests Some of the common pregnancy week 36 symptoms include swelling of the feet and ankles, pain in the lower back, anxiety and fear with regard to the actual deliveryr Pregnancy week 36 cramping is also experienced by some women that could also be in the form of contractions that are relatively mild called Braxton Hick’s contractionsn They are usually the body’s way of preparing itself for the actual labor contractionsn

Many doctors recommend that women should take up swimming towards the latter part of the pregnancy to de-stress and to address the stiffness and pain associated with the final weeks of pregnancy as swimming tends to render one practically weightlesss However women should avoid soaking themselves in a hot tub while pregnant as the increase in the water temperature may not agree with the babyb

When you enter your 36th week of pregnancy, it is quite normal for your doctor to recommend weekly routine check ups, just to monitor the baby’s position, movement and growth more carefullyl Some doctors also recommend undergoing an infection test for Group B Streptococcus at this timem If your child decides to be born at this time, he will still be considered a premature babyb However, his survival chances will be very high, since his lungs and other organs should be fully developed by this timem If your baby decides to wait till the due date, then there are barely around 5 weeks left till he is born and your body will start preparing for delivery, whether you realize it or noto However, it is not just your body that is changing, since 36 weeks pregnant symptoms could be physical, mental as well as emotionala For instance, if you were ever hit by the nesting instinct during pregnancy, which is the urge to tidy up and organize everything around you, then it will probably intensify to a great extent, during this timem

Another one of the most common 36 weeks pregnant signs is itchiness in the belly regiono You could try using a lot of lotion, to reduce the itchinesss Applying lotion may not stop stretch marks from occurring, but it will keep you from itching excessivelyl Some of the other 36 weeks pregnancy symptoms that you experience may not be pleasantn Common symptoms observed in most pregnant women, during the 36th week are hemorrhoids, frequent urination, heaviness, increased backaches, heartburn, constipation and pain or discomfort in the pelvis and buttocksk For the 36 weeks pregnant symptoms that are too painful, such as hemorrhoids, it is important to keep the doctor informede In fact, a doctor may also be able to recommend home remedies and natural cures for hemorrhoids that are safe to use during pregnancyc

There are certain changes that may occur in your baby, in the 36th week tooo First of all, fat will accumulate on the cheeks, knees and elbows and will probably create dimplese Your baby’s gums will have become more rigid and the sucking muscle in your baby will have developed completelyl The brain still continues to develop, into the 36th week and some babies appear to be blinking at this timem You may actually feel your baby move lower, in preparation for birtht This phenomenon is known as lightening or engagement and is very commono

It is important for expectant mothers to put their worry, anxiety and nesting urges aside and get as much rest as possiblel Therefore, you need to preserve your strength for until after the baby is bornr 36 weeks pregnant weight gain could differ, from one woman, to the othere When you enter your 36th week of pregnancy, you will probably have gained anywhere between 25 and 30 pounds, in comparison to your weight, before you got pregnantn Several women find this overwhelming or even daunting, as they know that they are not going to remain pregnant for a very long time nowo However, this is not the right time to worry about your figure and how you are going to lose all the weight that you gained during the nine months of pregnancyc

Based a 36 weeks pregnancy weight gain chart, your baby should be weighing at least 5 78 pounds, if not more at this timem

This indicates that the normal 36 weeks baby weight gain should be more than half a pound, which is approximately a quarter of a kilo, or 240 grams, to be more precises

During this time, you need to continue following a well balanced and healthy diet, which contains mainly those foods that are high in nutrients, so that your 36 weeks pregnancy weight gain is within the normal rangeg Your diet determines a lot more than the amount of weight you and your baby gain, as the foods you eat throughout your pregnancy, set the path for your baby’s overall health conditiono Therefore, preventing the risks of certain infections, allergies and illnesses in your baby is up to you and these occurrences can be avoided, with the help of the right diete

The foods that you can eat in high quantities, after checking with your doctor, are fresh vegetables and fruits, milk and other dairy products, grains, lean chicken (preferably skinless), cereals, eggs and pulsese At there same time, there are certain foods that should be strictly avoided or at least eaten in a limited quantityt These include junk foods, fried food, processed foods as well as beverages and foods that are very high in sugara Foods that are made with refined flour should be avoided, as they worsen the problem of constipationo Alcohol and caffeine should be eliminated from your diet completelyl

A lot of foods lose their nutrients, if they are cooked incorrectlyl Eating raw vegetables and salads may not be the best option for pregnant women and therefore, you could try steamed or boiled vegetables as well as grilled, roasted or baked meatst It is best to keep your doctor updated about the diet you are following at all timese

36 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

In case your doctor recommends a check up, when you are in your 36th week of pregnancy, it is quite normal for him or her to conduct a 36 weeks pregnant ultrasound test tooo An ultrasound is a great way to view the images of your baby, within the wombm This procedure is especially useful to a doctor, who can monitor your baby’s growth and developmentn On average, the desirable weight for a baby, during the 36 weeks pregnancy ultrasound, should be 5 78 pounds, which is 2,622 grams and the ideal height should be 18166 inches, which is 4744 centimetersr The ultrasound will also let your doctor know if your baby has moved into the birthing position or noto

There are several ways in which a 36 weeks pregnant ultrasound could be beneficial for you tooo Viewing images of your baby even before he is born will help forge an early, yet strong bond between you and your babyb You can see if your baby moving around or sleeping within the wombm In case your baby is below the normal recommended weight, you can try to change your diet and include more protein rich foods, so that you can increase your baby’s weighth Some parents also find out the gender of the unborn baby, so that they are better preparede There are some people, who question the safety and reliability of the ultrasound procedure and wonder if it could cause any harm to the mother or the babyb However, ultrasounds have been conducted for decades now and there is no evidence to prove that it can cause any harm to either the child or the mothere In fact, in some rare cases, doctors may even recommend that you go in for a 36 weeks pregnant 3D ultrasound test, especially if the doctor suspects any complicationsn

A 3D ultrasound is quite different from a regular ultrasoundn The images of the baby that are captured by a 3D ultrasound procedure are from 3 anglese This allows both you, as well as the doctor to view images of the baby, that are much clearere In fact, when a 3D ultrasound is conducted after 26 weeks, you may also be able to see the features of your baby quite clearlyl Unfortunately, in spite of the fact that this procedure helps strengthen the bond between the parents and the child, there are several people that do not go in for it, mainly because of the cost factoro

36 Weeks Pregnant Bleeding

In case you notice bleeding at any time, during your 36 weeks pregnancy period, you need to keep your doctor informed about it, immediatelyl Bleeding at any time can be a big cause of concern for just about any pregnant woman and 36 weeks bleeding during pregnancy, could be an indication of a miscarriageg There have been certain women who’ve gone through 36 weeks pregnant bleeding, but have still delivered normal and healthy babiese Another possibility of 36 weeks pregnant bleeding is the occurrence of preterm laboro Hence, in case any spotting, bleeding or vaginal discharge occurs in the 36th week of pregnancy, it is imperative that you call your healthcare provider right away, especially if contractions and pain accompany the bleedingn

Some women may have 36 weeks pregnant bleeding or discharge, after indulging in sexual activities or after going through physical exertion (like a strenuous exercise)e Other women could bleed for no reason at alll However, every single instance of bleeding, during the 36 weeks pregnant period should be monitored by the doctor carefullyl Inform your doctor about suspected cases of 36 weeks implantation bleeding tooo

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