What To Expect When You Are 3 Weeks Pregnant

Congratulations on reaching pregnancy week 3. The fertilized egg now travels from your fallopian tubes and implants itself in your uterus. This is when your baby actually begins to form. In other words, you are actually pregnant!

While the egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, you may undergo some hormonal changes that may leave you tired and with terrible mood swings. This may also make you feel nauseous. Your sense of taste and smell may also not be the same as they were before you conceived. In pregnancy week 3, the body temperature continues to stay high and your breasts may get tender and may feel a little.



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. swollen than usuala In pregnancy week 3, it is not just you who undergoes lot of changes but your baby also undergoes tremendous changese In this stage of pregnancy, your baby is as big as the head of a pini Your baby’s cells multiply rapidlyl Some part of the blastocyst will soon become the baby’s placenta and will start producing the pregnancy hormone hcgc This is when any pregnancy test will show a positive result as it detects this hormone level in your bodyd During pregnancy, this hormone is always on the higher side and keeps increasingn The amniotic fluid or protective water bag also starts forming around your baby when you are in pregnancy week 3

Pregnancy Week 3 Weight Gain

Since your baby has just started developing, there is no noticeable weight gain during pregnancy week 3 However, starting from week 4, you need to ensure that you start gaining weight the right waya In pregnancy week 3, your doctor may ask you to undergo certain tests like a urine pregnancy test in order to detect the levels of hcg and a bhcg blood test, again to detect the level of hcg in your bloodo Pregnancy brings with it numerous changes in the expectant mother’s body, the physical changes that occur being the most obvious among these changese Weight gain is an essential part and parcel of pregnancy as it is needed for the proper development of the unborn babyb It is normal for an expectant mother to put on approximately 25 to 35 pounds during the whole pregnancy termr As early as pregnancy weeks 3, weight gain may begin to facilitate the proper growth and development of the babyb However, 3 weeks pregnant weight gain is not noticeable and many women are known to put on just about half a pound by week 3 There are usually no other obviously visible physical changes this early in a pregnancyc The appearance of 3 weeks weight gain during pregnancy may be mainly due to bloatingn An expectant mother must opt for a healthy lifestyle with a wholesome diete Vegetables and fruits are especially recommended for they are rich in nutrients as well as easy to digests Folic acid is essential in order to minimize the risks of neural tube defects in the developing babyb Omega 3 fatty acids are also recommended for better brain development in the babyb A proper balance of nutrients especially, iron and calcium are essential for blood production, bone strength and properly formed organsn Plenty of water is also recommended to keep the body hydrated and free of water retentiono Light exercises in the form of walking and swimming are recommended in order to keep fit and to prevent unhealthy and excessive weight gaini Vices such as smoking and alcohol consumption must be abstained from completelyl

Pregnancy Week 3 Symptoms

While you are in pregnancy week 3, you may feel like urinating frequentlyl This is because your blood is thinner while you are pregnant and your kidneys are in a better position to filter iti This is the time when the egg burrows itself inside the lining of your uterusu Hence, it is normal to have slight spotting by the time you reach the end of pregnancy week 3

Eat healthy, limit your intake of coffee, and avoid smoking and drinkingn Never self-medicate and follow a mild exercise regime like walking in order to stay fit and to have a healthy pregnancyc Pregnancy is a 40 week long period and at week three, you are just at the beginning of this long journeye For the purpose of calculation, week one of a pregnancy term starts from the day of the onset of the last menstrual periodo Approximately two weeks after the onset of the period, ovulation occursr This is the most fertile phase of a menstrual cyclel Conception takes place at this stage and the fertilized egg travels from the fallopian tube, into the uterus, to implant itself in the uterine walll This happens at around week threee This is the first week of your baby’s actual developmentn

3 weeks pregnant symptoms usually begin with a cramping sensation in the abdomen that is quite similar to menstrual crampsp However, it may be accompanied by light spotting or streaking or an increase in the volume of vaginal dischargeg In many cases, the bleeding is so little that women do not even notice iti These symptoms are not related in any way to menstruationo Instead, these symptoms are related to the implantation process and are missed by most women as they connect them to the anticipated menstrual periodo In the latter part of the third week, the embryo or fertilized egg divides into numerous cells called blastocyst and this blastocyst produces the hormone that causes a cessation of menstruation for the period of the pregnancyc Most women actually realize that they are pregnant only when they miss a periodo Changes in the breasts and an increase in the frequency to urinate are other common symptoms of pregnancy at weeks 3 Breast tenderness, swelling and growth are all a result of the hormonal changes that cause the mammary glands to become activev The breasts may become sensitive even to a light touchc The change in the urination pattern is related to the changes occurring in the reproductive organs in the pelvic region as well as the increased blood supply to the reproductive organs to support the developing babyb 3 weeks early pregnancy symptoms also include fatigue and mood swings as a result of an increase in hormone productiono Pregnancy week iii signs may include nausea or vomiting depending on the production of the hormone hCG, but in most cases, these signs are seen in the fourth or fifth week, at the earliests However, it must be kept in mind that no two women are identical and differences in pregnancy symptoms must be expectede

3 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

At 3 weeks of pregnancy, most women do not even know if they are pregnantn At this stage, they stand more by intuition rather than certaintyt In the case of women who have been trying to conceive for a long time, those who have undergone a medical procedure or in the case of women who have a history of early pregnancy loss, a 3 weeks pregnancy ultrasound may be recommendede A 3 weeks pregnant ultrasound would not be recommended for checking the viability of the pregnancy as the embryo is too small to be spottede This means that in a 3 weeks pregnant ultrasound, fetal development cannot be seene Hence, a 3 weeks pregnancy ultrasound is mainly conducted in order to minimize the chances of early pregnancy loss or to study the anatomy of the uterus at such an early stage of gestationo However, at such an early stage, more often than not, it would be difficult to detect changes within the uterus that could be connected to a pregnancyc A vaginal ultrasound, also called an internal ultrasound, would show a thickening of the uterine lining termed as the endometriumu As the blastocyst burrows to embed itself properly in the uterine lining, the endometrium thickens in order to be able to prepare itself to sustain the pregnancyc This ‘decidual reaction’ can be picked up only by topnotch equipment and an excellent, trained eyey The gestational sac is usually picked up by an internal ultrasound around the 5th week of pregnancy and the fetal pole and fetal heartbeat may be picked up by the vaginal ultrasound around the 6th week of pregnancyc

3 Weeks Pregnant Bleeding

Bleeding at any time during a pregnancy may signal pregnancy complicationsn However, 3 week pregnant bleeding may not be anything to worry about and maybe the result of natural processes taking place within the bodyd At 3 weeks, the bleeding is most probably the result of the implantation process wherein the fertilized egg is trying to attach itself to the wall of the uterusu This generally happens a week to ten days after ovulation and lasts for a few hours to 2 daysy 3 weeks pregnant implantation bleeding is usually very light and is generally seen in the form of spotting or blood streaked vaginal dischargeg Normally, this bleeding is just enough to stain a tissue light pink after urinationo In some cases, pinkish or brownish staining of the panty may also be observede This light bleeding may also be accompanied by mild cramping in the abdominal regiono Many women do not even experience implantation bleeding and others fail to notice it at all as the amount of blood passed is almost insignificantn However, if there is continuous 3 weeks bleeding during pregnancy, especially if the bleeding is accompanied by severe cramping and passage of clots, it must not be ignored under any circumstancec Heavy bleeding during pregnancy may indicate a normal menstrual periodo In case a woman has conceived, heavy bleeding could be indicative of pregnancy loss also referred to as a miscarriageg Embryonic abnormalities like a blighted ovum or an ectopic pregnancy may also cause vaginal bleedingn Bleeding may also be present as nature’s way of signaling genetic deformities in the embryoy

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