Implantation Failure Symptoms

Submitted by Nick on January 13, 2012

Implantation is a process which occurs in the uterus of a woman. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, it moves down the fallopian tube and travels into the uterus. There it attaches itself to the nutrient-rich lining of the uterus which is referred to as the endometrium. The fertilized egg receives nourishment from this lining and soon the placenta begins to form. Implantation may take place soon after an egg is fertilized. On an average, implantation is known to occur between day 6 and 12 after ovulation.


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After implantation takes place, the tissues of the forming placenta begin to release the hormone known as hormone human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG. This is also referred to as the pregnancy hormone and it aids in early pregnancy. Once hCG levels increase in the woman’s body, a pregnancy test is able to detect it and positive results will be obtained.

More information on implantation symptoms

In many cases implantation does not produce any signs or symptoms. A woman may first become aware that implantation has taken place when a pregnancy test turns out to be positive. In some cases, light spotting may occur. This is known as implantation bleeding. It is less that menstrual blood flow and also does not last for as long. It may last for just a day or it may continue for a few days. Implantation bleeding usually appears in the form of brown or red spots. Implantation cramping may also occur and many women mistake this for menstrual cramping. In some cases, implantation does not take place. According to doctors, this may be due to problems with the developing embryo. Abnormalities of the endometrial lining and hormonal imbalances may also lead to implantation failure symptoms. When implantation fails to occur and the fertilized egg travels into the uterus, a miscarriage occurs. In many cases, this may happen even before a woman has realized that she was pregnant.

Some amount of spotting and discomfort is typical of early pregnancy and is indicative of implantation pain and bleeding. However, it is advisable to report this to your doctor. In some cases, bleeding or spotting may not be associated with implantation. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg starts developing in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. This is not a viable pregnancy and can create major complications for the woman. If there is lower back pain, low blood pressure and dizziness, it could be indicative of an ectopic pregnancy.

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