Dysgeusia Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on January 18, 2012

Dysgeusia can be described as a change in your sense of taste. There are several factors that could affect your ability to taste properly. One of the conditions that could lead to dysgeusia is pregnancy.

Dysgeusia and pregnancy

Dysgeusia is experienced during the earlier stages of pregnancy just like morning sickness, nausea and vomiting.



In case you are suffering from dysgeusia during pregnancy you are more likely to have a sour, metallic taste in your mouth. This sour taste lingers in the mouth even when you are not eating. Fortunately, as your pregnancy progresses and your body gets used to all the changes, dysgeusia gradually reduces and may even disappear completely, by the second month.

Causes for Dysgeusia in Pregnancy

Dysgeusia in pregnancy could occur because the body releases additional hormones. Hormones such as estrogen play an important role in regulating taste. As the level of hormones fluctuate a lot during pregnancy, your tasting ability gets affected considerably.

Your sensitivity towards smell is also likely to increase during pregnancy, which in turn could lead to dysgeusia.

During pregnancy, you will probably be asked to take prenatal supplements such as iron and potassium, which could further worsen the metal-like taste in your mouth. This could mean that your body is not absorbing the iron and potassium properly and therefore, you need to let your doctor know about this. Never change your medication or the prenatal supplements, without consulting your doctor first.

Possible cures for dysgeusia in pregnancy

There are many women who cannot bear the metal-like taste in their mouths and take steps to prevent it. To do so, you could increase your consumption of certain acidic fruits or juice, like oranges, orange juice and lemonade. You could eat a higher amount of foods that increase the manufacture of saliva in your mouth and do away with the unpleasant taste. Mouth fresheners and sweets may give you temporary relief, but after a while, they can cause the taste to worsen. Therefore, it is best to avoid sugary foods if you are suffering from dysgeusia during pregnancy.

Make it a point to clean your tongue at regular intervals in order to rid your mouth of the metal-like taste. After brushing your teeth, you can even use a tongue scraper, if required. Avoid using commercial mouthwashes during pregnancy. Instead, you can make your own mouthwash solution with tepid water and salt. Sodium bicarbonate is also an excellent remedy as it neutralizes the pH level in your mouth. Mix ¼ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to a glass of water and use this solution as a mouth rinse. For best results, repeat this exercise twice or three times a day.

While the remedies for dysgeusia in pregnancy mentioned above are quite safe, it is best to check with a doctor, before using any of them.

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