what causes metallic taste in mouth pregnancy?

(July 7, 2010)

Pregnancy Metallic Taste

Pregnancy tends to bring about changes in almost every system in the body of the pregnant woman. During pregnancy women are known to suffer from increased water retention which in turn tends to dilute the volume of blood and cause edema of the cells. Additionally an increase in the levels of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy tend to bring about changes in the taste buds as well which are small but complex sensory taste organs. This results in some pregnant women developing a metallic or foul taste in their mouth and this condition is known as Dysgeusia. Pregnant women tend to get the metallic taste in their mouth even when they are not actually eating anything. Though this medical condition does not have any harmful effects on the baby or the mother directly, but due to the disgusting metallic taste that is present at almost all times in the mouth, most pregnant women do not feel like eating anything which affects their health adversely. This may also affect the baby as it would not get the required amount of nutrition. Pregnant women can minimize the metallic taste in their mouth by commencing their meals with dry crackers or chewing on sugarless mint, and flavored gum. Some pregnant women have found that eating spicy foods also minimizes the foul metallic taste on account of the numbing effect spicy foods tend to have on the taste buds. Additionally pregnant women can also increase the consumption of citrus juices and foods that are marinated in vinegar which help in getting rid of the metallic taste. Metallic taste can also be handled by brushing the tongue as well while brushing one’s teeth. One of the methods for a temporary relief from the metallic taste in the mouth in pregnant women is to chew on condiments like cinnamon and cloves in small portions.

One of the ideal ways to get rid of the metallic taste is to maintain a strict dental hygiene throughout the pregnancy which includes brushing the teeth and tongue at least twice a day thereby keeping the teeth clean and away from cavities. Like many pregnancy related medical disorders the metallic taste in the mouth in pregnant women tends to gradually reduce or even completely end after the completion of the first trimester. Some pregnant women have observed that certain prenatal vitamins tend to result in a metallic taste in their mouth. However before changing any prescribed pre natal vitamin it is essential to consult with the doctor.

Submitted by P T on July 7, 2010 at 12:26

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