5 Useful Herbs During Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on September 3, 2012

Pregnancy is a time when mothers need to pay special attention to their diets in order to avoid any problems or complications in the development of the baby. Since ancient times, women have turned to herbs as a means of supplementing their diets and to provide that extra nourishment that their unborn child needs. Herbs have also played a role in providing relief to women from a variety of pregnancy related symptoms such as back pain, gastric reflux and swollen feet.


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A list of some of the most popular and beneficial herbs for pregnant women include:

  • Red raspberry leaf - This is a popular pregnancy tonic containing several important nutrients including vitamins A, B complex, C and E and minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Red raspberry leaf is reputed to tone the uterus and ease muscle spasticity. It also is said to improve muscle function in the uterus, thereby enhancing its ability to contract during labor.

    However, this property of the herb has yet to be proved and further research is required. Other potential benefits of red raspberry leaf include lessening of symptoms of morning sickness and nausea and increased production of milk. The leaf can be boiled in water and left to stand for an hour before straining it and drinking. There is some debate as to the best time to use red raspberry leaves. Some herbalists claim that it can safely be consumed throughout the pregnancy while others suggest limiting its use to the first trimester only. Others claim that since it tones the uterus it should not be had during the first trimester especially if there is a history of miscarriage. For this reason it is better to consult your doctor about the use of this herb beforehand.
  • Oat straw - This herb is rich in calcium, chromium and magnesium and is reputed to have a beneficial effect on the brain and endocrine system. Herbalists recommend its use as a means of relieving anxiety and calming the nerves of pregnant women. It also helps to reduce leg cramps, improved digestion and increases the flow of blood to the uterus and the placenta. Oat straw can also be used to treat yeast infections that may occur during pregnancy.
  • Nettle - Also known as the common nettle, dwarf nettle or stinging nettle, this herb has been used for centuries by traditional healers as a cure for body aches and urinary problems. It is a rich source of calcium as well as vitamins A, B, D, E and K. Nettle is said to boost the immune system, provide relief from headaches and improve both liver and kidney function. It is reputed to increase energy levels, making it useful for pregnant women who are prone to bouts of fatigue. Pregnant women benefit greatly from its ability to reduce edema, increase iron absorption, reduce the risk of postpartum hemorrhage and increase the production of milk. There is some controversy regarding the safety of consuming nettle during pregnancy so make sure you consult your doctor beforehand.
  • Garlic - Garlic is used as a seasoning in many cuisines the world over and is reputed to have several health benefits. For pregnant women, garlic may help improve blood circulation especially to the uterus as well as lower blood pressure, thereby lessening the risk of preeclampsia. It also helps to lower cholesterol levels and has a powerful anti-bacterial property, making it useful in fighting off bacterial and fungal infections. Garlic also is reputed to enhance energy levels making it useful in cases of pregnancy related fatigue.
  • Dandelion root and Yellow dock - When combined together, these two herbs can help boost iron levels in pregnant women. They are also rich in vitamin C which acts as an immune booster. Yellow dock has a mild laxative property making it useful in treating constipation during pregnancy.

It is necessary to consult your doctor before consuming any of these herbs during your pregnancy.

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