Pregnancy Second Trimester Anterior Placenta

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on February 1, 2012

You go for an ultrasound and you are unable to see your baby. Your doctor says that your baby is hidden. You’re wondering where and how The answer is simple: when the placenta is in the anterior position, your baby is hidden. To further explain, once the egg is fertilized by a sperm, the fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tubes to your uterus and embeds itself on the endometrial lining or the uterus lining.


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Once affixed, the cells of the fertilized egg start multiplying, and these multiplying cells forms the different parts of your baby. One such part is the placenta. The placenta is the medium through which the baby receives oxygen and other nutrients from your body.

All this happens when you are in the second trimester of your pregnancy. Once the baby is born, this placenta is severed by the doctor as it then becomes redundant.

An ultrasound is required to determine the developments of your baby and also the placental position. At times, only the placenta may be visible and your baby may not be seen in the ultrasound. In such scenario, the placenta is placed in front of your uterus. As a result, the baby is not seen, and it becomes difficult to determine the baby’s position. Sometimes, it may be misunderstood that the baby is in the posterior position. However, the baby actually is in the right position; it is only the placenta that is not in the right position.

When this occurs, doctors may loosen the abdominal tone that will help the baby to face the mother again. Such remedial action is usually done in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Regardless, you should not worry as the position of your baby and the placenta will not affect your pregnancy in any way. The only thing that this can do is interfere with the results that a radiologist may get while testing for your baby’s heartbeat. The heartbeat may sound like a trumpet, and this is called Pinard’s stethoscope, or a Sonicaid. In fact, the position of the placenta becomes an issue only when the placenta is low and covers your cervix or the mouth of your uterus. This condition is called as placental previa.

All said and done, if you have an anterior placenta, you must not allow it to stress you. These are all part of the ups and downs of pregnancy. Simply follow your doctor’s advice for a stress-free and healthy pregnancy.

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