Breastfeeding and Acne

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

It is fairly common for acne to appear both during pregnancy and afterwards during breastfeeding. The acne is the result of hormonal changes that occur during and after pregnancy. It is best to consult your doctor who will probably prescribe an over the counter topical ointment for you. Do not try to treat the acne on your own as you could harm your baby with certain medication. The prescribed medication will be monitored to check for side effects. The acne usually goes away in a few months once your hormones have settled down.


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Breastfeeding does not always come naturally to every woman. Some face breastfeeding problems right from the start while others come across problems later on. These include:-

Engorgement: This occurs during the initial days of breastfeeding due to the large amount of milk being produced.

Your breasts might become swollen, painful and red. Your breasts might also be warm to the touch. Massaging your breasts helps as does regular feeding. Use a warm compress if the milk is not flowing down properly.

Sore nipples: If your baby does not latch on properly you could end up with sore nipples. Apply vitamin E or lanolin or even breast milk to soothe the nipples. Try positioning your baby properly to avoid this from happening.

Mastitis: This occurs when a beast becomes infected. You may notice that a particular area of your breast is red, swollen and tender. It is also common to develop a fever accompanied with chills and flu like symptoms. Continue breastfeeding during this time as this helps to relieve the condition. You may also have to take some prescribed medication at this time.

Nipple Vasoconstriction: This happens when nipples turn white or fade during breastfeeding, usually due to exposure to the cold. Drugs might be needed tor deal with this or simply wearing warm clothing while feeding.

Pimples: These might sometimes appear on the nipples. These are caused by improper sucking, a plugged duct, a break when the baby sucks or even a yeast infection. Warm compresses might help or else a visit to the doctor is in order.

Breastfeeding is the best milk for your baby – full of nutrients and antibodies, helps protect a child against many illnesses and so on. Nursing also aids in facial structure development, straighter teeth, enhanced speech and better vision. Most doctors will advise you to breastfeed right from birth till about a year or so. Some may recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.

Drink plenty of water while breastfeeding. Ensure that you include a great deal of protein and carbohydrates in yourbreastfeeding diet.

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