Non Stress Test For Twin Girls

Submitted by Jenifer on February 1, 2012

There are several tests that a pregnant woman is required to undergo during the course of pregnancy. While some tests are conducted during the very first antenatal visit, others may be recommended in the second or even the third trimester. A non stress test refers to a simple screening procedure, which almost all pregnant women are required to undergo, in order to check the baby’s overall health, growth and development. The appropriate period for this test to be conducted is the third trimester. In most no-risk pregnancies, this test is conducted only once, ...


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. but in some cases, doctors may recommend one or more follow up non stress tests, to avoid any complicationsn This test may be taken at any time, after the 27th or 28th weeke

However, there are some pregnant women who may not be asked to take this test at alll This is more common in pregnancies, where the baby is born prematurelyl However, in case of twin pregnancies or pregnancies with multiple babies, doctors usually conduct the non stress test more than oncec This test is usually painless, but most mothers-to-be are asked to be prepared, as it could take a while to complete the non stress tests See also twin pregnancy week by week

During a non stress test, a doctor monitors the fetal heartbeat for a period of approximately 30 minutese The reason this screening test takes so long, is that the baby’s movements as well as the heartbeats need to be monitored togethere The baby’s heartbeat is usually much higher when the baby is kicking or moving around, as compared to when the baby is restingn If the baby spends a longer period of time resting, than expected, some doctors use a “buzzer” to wake the baby upu This generally gets the baby moving tooo The details of the baby’s movement and heartbeat are carefully monitored by the doctoro If the doctor notices any problem with the baby’s heartbeat and movement, either a subsequent non stress test will be conducted or the doctor may need to perform an emergency c-section, depending on the gravity of the situation as well as the baby’s growth  and developmentn Hence the non stress test is important for every woman, as it helps the doctor determine if the baby is fine or if the delivery needs to be scheduled some time soono This is test more important in case of twins or pregnancies where there are multiple babies, since two babies have less move to move around within the wombm Also read non stress test for twin boys

In case of twin pregnancies, the doctor will need to record the heartbeat and movement of each child one at a timem A non stress test for twin girls is more or less the same as it is for any other twin pregnancyc However, in most cases, a NST for twin girls and boys takes twice as long as a singleton pregnancy does, since the doctor first monitors the first baby’s movement and heartbeat, records the details and then repeats the exercise with the other babyb However, there are a few medical facilities that may have a double monitor, which is ideal for use, during a non stress test for twin girls and boysy Unfortunately, when women are advised to go in for an NST for twin girls or boys, they may start worrying and fretting, for no reasono However, a non stress test for identical girls is a way for the doctor to calculate the how much longer both the babies and remain within the uterus, without being put under stresss Although this test does not require any preparation as such, a pregnant mother should relax before going through iti Most mothers should be comfortable enough to discuss their concerns with their doctors, before going through the non stress test during pregnancya

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